《2041,我在看一場表演》專題|OPENTIX編輯臺 2021年10 ‧ 11月
擅於以嶄新觀點,將深具歷史的建築與空間帶往未來的柏成設計創辦人邱柏文,將帶我們來到2041年祥和的一天 - 當表演與藝術,被轉化為生命中美好片刻的全浸界。
文/ 邱柏文 Johnny Chiu
突然一道閃光照亮了整個房間,讓我大吃一驚,我對自己說:「45 分鐘已經到了嗎?」一個聲音傳來,「現在開始為10 分鐘的中場休息時間」。我的身體漸漸清醒,雙眼開始適應了這股亮度,我看向我的左邊,我的太太正對著我微笑,她說: 「你剛才有經歷到我所感受到的嗎? 這真是我聽過最美妙、悅耳的聲音,它讓我深深意識到內心深處的渴望究竟是什麼,難道這就是所謂的藝術嗎?」
01 我是否正在體驗著 2041 年最先進的藝術實驗?
02 還是我現在是連接到控制神經的人工智慧來帶我看到我的未來?
03 又或者,2041 年的音樂又讓我打了瞌睡?
Today is Sunday morning. I woke up to a stream of sunlight coming through my large garden window. The smell of the rosemary, butterfly taking their morning breakfast though the wild herbs growing in the fields, the bird singing to each other.
I turned over to my side and saw my three year old girl sleeping next to me, she is still sound asleep after a long night of playing, her smile must mean she is dreaming of something sweet. I am thinking to myself what a beautiful moment this is, and how lucky I am.
I took a mental picture, capturing all the senses. I'm not sure why, suddenly I had this thought, what if I'm able to share this exact moment, with my family, with my friends, so they are able to experience this happy moment that I'm feeling now.
A sudden flash light shines through the whole room, taking me by surprise, I said to myself, 45 minutes is up already? A voice came on, "10 minutes of intermission will now begin". My body started to wake up, eyes adjusting to the new brightness, I looked towards to my left, my wife smiling at me, she said, "did you experience what I experienced? It's the most beautiful sound that I have ever heard, it took me deep inside of my consciousness of what happiness is, this artist is most inspiring."
01 Am I experiencing the most advanced theater performance in 2041?
02 or am I attached to a neurotic AI software that re-discovers what happiness means to me?
03 or what I experienced, is that I simply doze off, like I always do sitting at my home couch?
邱柏文 Johnny Chiu,柏成設計和OUT Scholarship創辦人,以新穎的觀點和用理念推動的作品而受到肯定。 他是首位獲得WAF(World Architecture Festival)/ INSIDE 世界室內設計獎,年度大獎的台灣設計師,他的其他榮譽包括五項TID台灣室內設計大獎金獎,和德國紅點傳達設計獎Best of the Best。
他具吸引力和不因循守舊的設計作品, 使他成為定義亞洲設計的一個關鍵人物,並經常受邀擔任設計比賽的評審團之一譬如美國國際室內設計大賽和台灣金點設計獎等。他也經常在許多大學演講, 包括著名的倫敦皇家藝術學院。
近期他的成就包括設計鳴日號觀光列車、不只是圖書館、北美館藝術商店, 以及攻讀皇家墨爾本理工大學的建築博士學位。
【專題】劇場與新媒體影像導演周東彥 – 光影間,他穿越了時空