第十五屆蘇黎世蓋扎‧安達鋼琴大賽 (Concours Géza Anda) 冠軍–安東‧哥琛貝爾格目前就讀科隆音樂與舞蹈學院,師事 Pierre-Laurent Aimard,專注於鋼琴當代音樂,並創立科隆新音樂合奏團 ÉRMA。
陳銀淑 (*1961):《六首練習曲》
舒伯特 (1797-1828):《C大調流浪者幻想曲》, 作品760
斯克里亞賓 (1872-1915):《B小調幻想曲》,作品28
蕭邦 (1810-1849):《十二首練習曲》,作品25
Unsuk Chin (*1961) : 6 Etudes
Franz Schubert (1797-1828) : Fantasy C Major, D 760 „Wanderer“
Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915): Fantasy in B Minor, Op. 28
Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) : 12 Etudes, Op. 25
安東‧哥琛貝爾格(Anton Gerzenberg)
1996年生於漢堡。4歲由母親Lilya Zilberstein啟蒙學習鋼琴,隨後師事Julia Suslin。9歲時,即在德國年輕音樂家全國比賽獲得首獎。11歲就讀漢堡Andreas Franke 學院,師事Julija Botchkovskaia。隨後於維也納跟隨Jan Jiracek von Arnim學習。目前於科隆音樂與舞蹈學院(Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln)師事Pierre-Laurent Aimard。
安東‧哥琛貝爾格專注於鋼琴當代音樂,創立科隆新音樂合奏團 ÉRMA。創團首演邀請韓國當代作曲家─陳銀淑(Unsuk Chin)合作,獲得極大好評。
作為室內樂演奏家,他曾與Martha Argerich、Dora Schwarzberg 和 Alvise Vidolin 等音樂家合作,並與台北市立交響樂團、慕尼黑交響樂團、漢堡喀麥隆樂團、溫特圖爾音樂廳樂團(Musikkollegium Winterthur)和蘇黎世音樂廳管弦樂團(Tonhalle-Orchestra Zurich)等演出。此外,他也經常受邀參加阿格麗希音樂節(Progetto Martha Argerich)、魯爾鋼琴音樂節(Klavierfestival Ruhr)、Schleswig-Holstein 音樂節、義大利Siena 奇吉納學院音樂節和烏茲堡莫札特音樂節。
2021年6月獲得第十五屆蘇黎世蓋扎‧安達鋼琴大賽(Concours Géza Anda) 冠軍。
Anton Gerzenberg Piano Recital
The First Prize winner at the 15th Concours Géza Anda in Zurich, Switzerland.
Anton Gerzenberg currently studies under Pierre-Laurent Aimard in Cologne. In 2019 he became one of the founders of the New Music ensemble ÉRMA in Cologne and concentrated on contemporary piano music. First recital tour in Taiwan, he tried to put Fantasy and Etudes from two different composers working at difference of each and see how the audiences get their own connections.
Anton Gerzenberg
Born in 1996 in Hamburg, Anton Gerzenberg began to play the piano at the age of four. His teachers include Julia Suslin and Julia Botchkovskaia in Hamburg, Jan Jiracek von Arnim in Vienna and currently Pierre-Laurent Aimard in Cologne.
In 2019 he became one of the founders of the New Music ensemble ÉRMA in Cologne, who played their first concert in close collaboration with Unsuk Chin. Anton appeared in chamber music with such musicians as Martha Argerich, Dora Schwarzberg and Alvise Vidolin as well as with various orchestras including the Taipeh Symphony Orchestra, Münchner Symphoniker, Hamburger Camerata, Musikkollegium Winterthur and Tonhalle-Orchestra Zurich.
He is also a frequent guest at festivals including the Progetto Martha Argerich in Lugano, the Klavierfestival Ruhr, the Schleswig-Holstein Musikfestival, Accademia Chigiana in Siena and the Mozartfest Würzburg.
In June 2021 Anton won the First Prize at the 15th Concours Géza Anda in Zurich, Switzerland.
Highlights of the season include debuts with the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, in Wiener Konzerthaus, an extended Asia Recital Tour to Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea and adventures in Contemporary Music that feature works by Marco Stroppa, Unsuk Chin, Helmut Lachenmann and Sarah Nemtsov, as well as new works by Beat Furrer and Judit Varga, among others.
◎身心障礙人士及陪同者 1 名購票 5 折優待,入場時應出示身心障礙手冊,陪同者與身障者需同時入場
◎ 兩廳院會員、誠品會員、中信、國泰世華卡友9折,65歲長者7折
◎ 9/5中午-9/19 中午早鳥79 折,最低票價84折
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