
Eun-Me AHN - Dragons

類別: 舞蹈
分級:建議年齡 7歲以上







Anticipating the Next Dance with Dragons

"In 2020, the children of the millennial generation will have reached adulthood. They have their future and the world's future in their hands."

For young people in Asia, reaching 20 means unlimited prospects, rapid physical and mental changes, and a starting point for independent thinking. While they are closely tied to the times, they also bear the burden of preserving thousand-year-old traditions. What will they bring to the Asian dance world and its future in this transitional climate?

After leading ajummas on stage in 2019, the Godmother of South Korean choreography, Eun-Me AHN, returns to Weiwuying alongside six twenty-year-old millennial dragons. They are of different nationalities and physical attributes, but all were born in 2000. The six dragon dancers, carrying the expectations of the world, will join hands with the dancers of Eun-Me Ahn Company to explore dynamics and energy and to imagine the trend of Asian dance. The ones to raise the issue are the dragons dancing on the stage.










影像舞者|諾.希雅斯妲 哈茲米(馬來西亞)、高橋灯(日本)、鄭紙完(南韓)、 思寇.賽炎托(印尼)、蒂.娜薩.阿吉.伊娜諾(印尼)、周冠廷(臺灣)

製作單位|安銀美舞團、Gadja Productions




Choreography & Artistic Direction| Eun-Me AHN

Music|Young-Gyu JANG

Costumes & Set Design|Eun-Me AHN

Lighting Design|Jin-Young JANG

Video Direction|Tae-Seok LEE

Motion Design|Tae-Seok LEE, Min-Jeong LEE (Addnine)

Creation Technical Director|Jim-Yung KIM

Dancers|Eun-Me AHN , Jee-yeun KIM, Hye-kyoung KIM, Ye-seul ROH, Sun-jae JO, Ui-young JUNG, Gaon HAN, Yong-sik MOON

Dancers on Screen|Nur Syahidah Binti Hazmi (Malaisia), Akari TAKAHASHI (Japan), Ji-Wan JUNG (South Korea), Siko Setyanto (Indonésie), Dwi Nusa Aji Winarno (Indonésie), Guan-Ting ZHOU (Taiwan)

Production| Eun-Me Ahn Company, Gadja Productions

Co-produced by National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Yeongdeungpo Art Hall, Busan Cultural Center, Théâtre de la Ville-Paris, Biennale de la Danse de Lyon, Festspielhaus St Pölten, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg and Les Halles de Schaerbeek

With the support of Arts Council Korea, Indonesian Dance Festival, ASWARA - Akademi Seni Budaya Dan Warisan Kebangsaan, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse N°1, Dancers’ Career Development Center

Partner| Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival



安銀美為韓國表演藝術界首屈一指的藝術家,1988年於首爾成立舞團,並於1999年移居美國紐約。2001年返回韓國持續進行舞碼創作,致力於重新演繹韓國經典舞蹈並探討時下社會議題,常與非科班舞者合作。深受各國藝術界肯定的她,編創舞碼超過150齣,作品包括經典舞碼《巴里公主辛佛卡》(Symphoca Princess Bari)、《讓我改變你的名字》(Let Me Change Your Name)和《跳舞ㄚ嬤》(Dancing Grandmothers)等,均曾在世界各地知名舞台上演出。安銀美現為巴黎市立劇院合作駐館藝術家。

Choregraphy & Artistic Direction|Eun-Me AHN
Eun-Me AHN is one of the leading artists in the Korean performing arts industry. She established a dance company in Seoul in 1988 and moved to New York in 1999. In 2001, she returned to Korea to continue choreographing, reinterpreting Korean classics and exploring current social issues, often collaborating with non-traditionally trained dancers. She has received international acclaim from the arts community and has created over 150 dance pieces, including Symphoca Princess Bari, Let Me Change Your Name, and Dancing Grandmothers, all of which have been staged at renowned venues around the world. AHN is taking residency at the Théâtre de la Ville in Paris.
How many creators have struggled to find the way to describe what is finally the lot of every artist : on the one hand to know, understand, integrate what the ancients did ; on the other to forget them, overcome them and hope to find something new. Quite a vast program...
On this level, Eun-Me AHN that France discovered in 2013 and 2014 thanks to Festival Paris Quartier d’Eté, has found new, unexpected and Eun-Me AHN “La gaité appellee le bonheur. La danse appelle le bonheur.” exciting ways. This comes first from her own itinerary, marked as much by the learning and exploration of shamanic traditions as by the many years spent in New York or a profound friendship with the missed Pina BAUSCH (who invited her many times in Wuppertal). Korean and cosmopolitan, figure of the avant-garde but also choreographer of the very official opening ceremony of the FIFA World Cup in Daegu in 2002 and presented in the most important international festivals, she knows how to improve the beauties of contrast, mix polka dots, stripes and flowers, how to play with the most pop colors before switching to the most solemn austerity, how to play with the most subtle shades of androgyny, or use slowness to make trance rhythm burst...
Educated at the school of rigor, precise, demanding and of all Korean discipline, Eun-Me AHN is also a daredevil performer, ready for all kinds of piracies. One have seen her jump from the top of a crane, then attack a piano with axe and scissors, rip off herself her fairy dress made of white ties to distribute the pieces to the audiences while performing a teddy bear dance, bury herself with a clown costume under a rain of balloons, locked up behind bars in a duet with a chicken, or dressed up as a mushroom... But one would be wrong thinking it is provocation. It is rather the affirmation of a curiosity and a freedom held by work and style pushed to their most unexpected limits.




l 衛武營無限卡、生活卡、青年卡、英雄卡會員優先購票75折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。

l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折。


l 衛武營無限卡、生活卡、青年卡、英雄卡會員早鳥75折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。


l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折。

l英雄卡本人及其親友(限1人)購票享5折。(入場需提供英雄卡驗證,親友需與英雄卡本人同時入場) ,300元(含)以下票級不折扣。

l 青年卡本人75折(入場需提供青年卡驗證)。※每場節目限購一次

l敬老票:65歲以上長者購票5折(需憑證入場) 。




l 生活卡9折。

l 青年卡本人75折(入場需提供青年卡驗證)。※每場節目限購一次。青年卡加購9折。

l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折,加購9折。

l英雄卡本人及其親友(限1人)購票享5折。(入場需提供英雄卡驗證,親友需與英雄卡本人同時入場) ,300元(含)以下票級不折扣。


l 刷中國信託信用卡、台新信用卡、富邦信用卡、玉山銀行、兆豐國際商業銀行、國泰世華銀行95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。


l 兩廳院之友9折。

l 臺中歌劇院會員9折。

l NSO之友9折。

l 誠品會員95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。

l 高美館會員購票95折(請輸入代碼)。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。

l 憑高雄福華飯店住房優惠代碼購票95折(請輸入代碼)。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。

l 憑晶英行館&雲垂會員代碼購票95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。

l 憑LA ONE會員優惠碼購票享95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。

l 身心障礙人士及其必要陪同者(限1人)5折(入場時請出示身心障礙手冊)。

l 敬老票:65歲以上長者購票5折(需憑證入場)。


單筆訂單同場次20 張(含)以上 85 折, 40 張(含)以上 8 折 ,60 張(含)以上 75 折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。











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至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理;或將存摺影本(若為現金購票)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。票券寄回前請先記下票券上的訂單編號(如:202101220000123-1),以便查詢退票狀況。


1. 尚未取票或電子票:


2. 已取紙本票:

至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理;或請將存摺影本、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。票券寄回前請先記下票券上的訂單編號(如:202101220000123-1),以便查詢退票狀況。




  • 僅限「同一檔節目」,場次/票價/方案/座位皆可互換。

  • 請至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理,或致電客服中心洽詢,無法於線上申請。


  • 退票酌收票面金額10%之手續費,換票每張收手續費20元。

  • 若消費者於退換票時限前選擇「郵寄取票」,但於演出日、展覽結束前仍未收到票券者,經雙方確認 , 得不收退換票手續費。

  • 退換票手續費發票將預設存入OPENTIX會員載具,如有其他需求,請先致電客服中心(02)3393-9888 洽詢。


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  • 【套票退票】套票退票需整套辦理,無法以單張票券申請退票。如購買不同場次票券,最遲需於首場演出日1日前(不含演出日)辦理;套票恕不接受換票。

    ※ 依據文化部「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第3點規定,本節目之主要表演人員或主要節目內容,於預定表演前發生變動時,本活動之退票機制、受理方式、退款途徑等資訊,將另行公告於本節目頁面。
