法國長笛學派第一人- 班諾德長笛演奏會

Philippe Bernold Flute Recital

類別: 音樂
分級:建議年齡 5歲以上
環境有限公司 (02)2577-2568



Philippe Bernold Flute Recital

經典與當代交融 高貴的法式風雅

菲利浦‧班諾德 Philippe Bernold

長笛 Flute

當代法國長笛音樂大師菲利浦.班諾德自法國科爾馬展開音樂學習,主修長笛,後向查爾斯及法蘭茲.繆赫的弟子萊納.馬特(René Matteer)修習作曲及指揮。


在國際樂壇上,班諾德也是成功的指揮家,1994 年在加德納與長野健的鼓勵下,創立里昂歌劇巨星樂團;該團迅速成長茁壯,以高度的藝術性聞名全球。此後,他曾受邀擔任許多管弦樂團客席指揮,如與華沙小交響樂團巡迴里斯本、畢爾包、瓦朗斯、南特、華沙,以及里昂國立歌劇院管弦樂團、巴登巴登愛樂、巴黎室內管弦樂團、馬賽愛樂、圖倫歌劇院樂團、金澤管弦樂團、富川市立交響樂團、日內瓦室內管弦樂團、雅納捷克愛樂、布拉格愛樂、維也納室內管弦樂團、斯洛伐克愛樂室內樂團等,亦曾於委內瑞拉卡拉卡斯,指揮由杜達美執掌、遠近馳名的西蒙.玻利瓦爾管弦樂團。

班諾德1989年的首張錄音,即獲得有「法國葛萊美獎」之稱的法國唱片大獎;多年來,他並為Harmonia Mundi、EMI等唱片錄製超過二十張專輯。他也固定與鋼琴家薩洛共同錄音,獲得罕見佳評,包括權威雜誌《音樂的世界》樂評嚴選獎、金音叉獎。2008年,班諾德指揮華沙小交響樂團、雙簧管演奏家歐格林裘克,為Mezzo電視台帶來一場全莫札特作品的音樂會節目。此外,他也與巴黎室內管弦樂團錄製共同發行三張專輯及莫札特長笛協奏曲(Aparté唱片)。


Philippe Bernold began his musical studies in Colmar, France, studying the flute and later composition and conducting under René Matter, himself a student of Charles and Fritz Münch.

He then attended the Paris Conservatoire, where he earned the First prize in flute and the next year, at the age of 23, was appointed first flute of the National Opera Orchestra of Lyon. In 1987 he won First Prize in the Jean-Pierre Rampal International Competition in Paris.

This award allowed him to start a career as a soloist, performing with world famous artists and orchestras such as: M. Rostropovitch, R. Capuçon, G. Opitz, A. Tharaud with Paris Orchestra, Hallé Orchestra (Manchester), National Orchestra of Lyon, Tokyo and Kyoto Symphony Orchestras…, he has been directed by S. Bychkov, J. E. Gardiner, L. Maazel, K. Nagano, Sir Y. Menuhin, M. Inoué, T. Koopman, in concert halls such as the Royal Festival Hall in London, Pleyel Hall and Châtelet Theater in Paris, Cologne Philharmonie, Warsaw Philharmonic, Bunka Kaikan in Tokyo, Seoul Art Center, Tchaïkovsky Conservatory in Moscow, as well as at the Festivals of Aix-en-Provence, Cannes, Evian, Strasbourg, Radio France, Varna…

Philippe Bernold returned to conducting in 1994, founding "Les Virtuoses de l’Opéra de Lyon" with the encouragement of conductors John Eliot Gardiner and Kent Nagano. The ensemble quickly gained a reputation for its high level of artistry.

Since then, he has been invited to conduct concerts with such ensembles as Sinfonia Varsovia touring in Lisbon, Bilbao, Valence, Nantes and Warsaw, the National Opera Orchestra of Lyon, Baden Baden Philharmonie, Orchestre de chambre de Paris, Philharmonic Orchestra of Marseille, Orchestra of the Opera house of Toulon, Kanazawa Ensemble (Japan), Bucheon Philharmonic (Seoul), Geneva Chamber Orchestra, Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra, Prague Philharmonia, Wiener Kammerorchester, Cappella Istropolitana, with whom he is first guest conductor. In Caracas, (Venezuela) Philippe conducts the famous “Simon Bolivar Orchestra” (Musical director: Gustavo Dudamel).

For the TV, Philippe Bernold conducts in 2008 a complete Mozart program with the Sinfonia Varsovia and Alexei Ogrintchouk as a soloist. (Mezzo). He has done three recordings with the Chamber Orchestra of Paris and with the same ensemble, he recorded Mozart flute concertos (Aparté).

His first recording won the “Grand Prix de l’Académie Charles Cros” in 1989. Since then Philippe Bernold has made more than twenty recordings for Harmonia Mundi, EMI… He has also made many recordings with pianist Alexandre Tharaud, which has received rare reviews. (“Choc” from Le Monde de la musique and « Diapason d’or » from Diapason).

Philippe Bernold is Professor of Chamber Music and flute at the National Paris Conservatoire.


徐嘉琪 Chia-Chi Hsu

鋼琴 Piano


從小接受臺灣音樂班教育,畢業於國立藝專音樂科(現國立臺灣藝術大學),美國琵琶地音樂院鋼琴演奏學士與碩士,師從杜瓊英、馬淑娟、林公欽、卓友璧、呂雪櫻、Vera Danchenco和Ellen Mack。曾獲頒全額歌劇伴奏助教獎學金、克拉拉艾雪費爾德伴奏獎及2001台北德文藝術歌曲大賽專業組最佳伴奏獎。現任教於國立臺灣師範大學及國立臺北教育大學音樂系所。


As a pianist, Chia-Chi Hsu has performed at the Singapore Violin Festival. As a vocal coach and rehearsal conductor, she has collaborated on opera productions, including Bizet’s Carmen and Puccini’s La Bohème, Madama Butterfly at the Kaohsiung Spring Festival; Rossini’s Il barbiere di Siviglia, Wagner’s Tannhäuser, Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte at the National Taichung Theater; and Britten’s The Turn of the Screw at BenFang Festival. Additional appearances include performing with Peter Lukas-Graf, Trevor Wye, Robert Aitken, Shigenori Kudo, Amy Porter, Sharon Bezaly, Judith Mendenhall, Karl Kraber, Philippe Bernold, Loïc Schneider, Vincent Lukas, Sarah Louvion, Juliette Hurel, Gaby Pas-Van Riet, Andrea Oliva, Paul Edmund-Davies, Michael Martin Kofler, and renowned soprano Sumi Jo.

Hsu received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in piano performance from Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, under the tutelage of Vera Danchenko and Ellen Mack. Currently, she is an adjunct Associate Professor at National Taiwan Normal University and National Taipei University of Education.

Solo album, I wish you love, released on Sunrise Records, explores themes of love and eternity in the music of Johannes Brahms.

馬曉珮 Hsiao-Pei Iris Ma

長笛 Flute

1995年獲得巴黎師範音樂院最高長笛演奏家文憑,師事 Christian Cheret。1994年獲法國國立凡爾賽音樂院長笛高優等班金牌第一獎。師事Jean Michel Varache。第一名畢業於國立台灣藝術學院(前國立藝專)音樂科管樂組。師事樊曼儂老師。在法期間,隨巴黎歌劇院木管五重奏,在法國多省、希臘等地巡迴演出。並於留法其間任教巴黎。長笛啟蒙於曾郁蓉、梅啟生老師。

2013年12月受邀於國家音樂廳,擔任長笛大師葛拉夫《85歲生日快樂音樂會》主持人,並多次與美國長笛家艾咪波特、蓋瑞.夏客、法國長笛家洛依克.許奈德、文生.盧卡合作,演出遍及歐洲、美國以及亞洲。積極參與長笛大師講座並擔任隨堂法文翻譯工作。曉珮老師與吹笛人室內樂團於2003年出版《台灣情.吹笛人》並於2013錄製發行《台灣之音 風起.花舞》雙CD。2020年11月將發行首張個人專輯《聆聽Listen-給心愛寶貝與毛小孩的笛聲》,透過音樂中對動物們的深刻描寫,進而認識音樂中的真善美,進而推廣大眾對於流浪貓狗、受虐兒等議題的關注,並向動保人士、家扶機構發聲,共創與動物、孩童和諧平安共處的美麗環境。


Flutist Hsiao-Pei Iris Ma was awarded the Diplôme supérieur de Concertiste de flute from École Normale de Musique de Paris in 1995 under Mr. Christian Cheret, and the Diplôme perfectionnement and Diplôme supérieur prix d’honorer from the Conservatoire Nationale de Région Ville de Versailles in 1994 under Mr. Jean Michel Varache. Earlier in Taiwan, she graduated first of the wind instrument group from the Music Department of National Taiwan Academy of Arts under Man-Nong Fan.

Ms. Ma’s discography includes two albums with the Joueurs de Flûte Ensemble – “Moods of Taiwan” (2003) and “Voice of Taiwan – Rustling in the Air, Blossoming in the Fields” (2013). In November 2020, she released her first solo album “Listen – Flute Music for Babies and Fur Kids”, dedicating herself to create an environment where children and animals live in harmony through the profound musical portrayal of the living creatures.

A very active flutist in Taiwan, Ms. Ma is Associate Professor at National Kaohsiung Normal University, National Sun Yat-Sen University, National University of Tainan and KSHS.

黃貞瑛 Jen-Ying HUANG

長笛 Flute

畢業於法國國立高等巴黎音樂院,先後獲得長笛及室內樂第一獎演奏文憑;同時擁有Rueil-Malmaison音樂院全體評審一致通過之第一大獎演奏文憑及巴黎師範音樂院高級演奏文憑。曾師事樊曼儂教授、Philippe Pierlot、工藤重典、皮耶-伊夫.阿爾托、菲利浦.班諾德、喬治.亞力侯。旅法期間加入巴黎長笛樂團,專門演奏法國當代作曲家的新作品,隨樂團於法國各地演出並灌錄唱片發行。亦曾應邀於瓦奧蕾古堡音樂節慶中表演深獲好評。

黃貞瑛的演出經驗豐富為國內極為活躍之長笛演奏家,返國至今,除舉辦過多場個人獨奏會外,更多次應國內外知名藝文團體邀請合作;2002年曾應兩廳院邀請在Yury Symonov的指揮之下與莫斯科愛樂管弦樂團合作演出尼爾森長笛協奏曲。另受邀與世紀交響樂團、臺北市立交響樂團、國家交響樂團、加拿大蒙特婁室內樂團、臺北縣立交響樂團、唐律長笛合奏團、長榮交響樂團等合作演出協奏曲。亦曾獲邀擔任第二屆北京尼可萊大賽評委及新加坡第一屆長笛大賽評審。


Flutist Jen-Ying Huang graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts In 1989 and continued her flute study at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, where she studied with Pierre-Yves Artaud, an authority on modern music all over the world. Furthermore, she honed her own technique under Philippe Bernold. In the meantime, she was recruited as a member of Orchestre Français de Flutes, a flute ensemble focusing their repertoire on French modern music. The Orchestre Français de Flutes not only performed concerts around France but also released CD albums in public as well.

Jen-Ying Huang graduated from Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris in 1993. She was a recipient of both the Premier Prix de Flute and the Premier Prix de Musique de Chambre.

Jen-Ying returned to Taiwan In 1993 and contributed herself to her homeland. Besides performing recitals around Taiwan, she has been constantly invited by many famous orchestras, such as the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, Century Symphony Orchestra, I Musici de Montreal, etc. She has really achieved a career as a soloist, teacher, chamber and orchestral musician at an international level.

藝術家 Artists

長笛|菲利浦.班諾德 Philippe Bernold, flute

鋼琴|徐嘉琪 Chia-Chi Hsu, piano

客席長笛|馬曉珮 Hsiao-Pei Iris Ma, guest flute(高雄場)

客席長笛|黃貞瑛 Jen-Ying Huang, guest flute(臺北場)

演出曲目 Programme

巴赫:E 大調奏鳴曲,作品 1035
Johann Sebastian Bach: Flute Sonata in E Major, BWV 1035

Franz Schubert: Variations for flute and piano on “Trockne Blumen”
from “Die schöne Müllerin”, D. 802

Franz and Karl Doppler: Fantaisie on Hungarian Motives for 2 flutes and piano, Op. 35

Hendrik Hofmeyr: Sonata for Flute and Piano, Op. 99 (Taiwan premiere)

Francis Poulenc: Sonata for Flute and Piano

Guillaume Connesson: Flute Sonata (World premiere)


新象官網 Official Website https://www.newaspect.org.tw/2023philippebernold

新象粉專 Facebook Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/newaspect

主辦|新象.環境.藝之美文創 02-2577-2568

協辦|双燕樂器、TRIO music



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  • 班諾德