孩子幻想國:扭扭心情時光小島 (7+)|TTXC高雄電影節

Animation for Kids: Journey to Anywhere (7-10 Yrs)

類別: 電影
高雄市電影館 (07)551-1211


孩子幻想國:扭扭心情時光小島 (7+)
Animation for Kids: Journey to Anywhere (7-10 Yrs)

8部連映/總片長54min | 0+

淘氣小妹我與你 To Be Sisters

法國 France | 2022 | DCP | Colour | 7min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 柏林影展新世代兒童影片競賽單元
★ 2023 克萊蒙費宏影展
★ 2023 安錫動畫影展兒童青少年觀眾獎


To Be Sisters is about sharing a special bond and laughing together. To be sisters is to be propelled by love. But these particular sisters share an extra something a bit different, and that's absolutely fine.

安妮蘇菲.古塞特 Anne-Sophie GOUSSET


Anne-Sophie GOUSSET graduated from Emile Cohl school and is the creator of Le Caimansonge, an interactive tale for children published on digital platforms. She illustrates interactive stories and makes commissioned animation films. To Be Sisters is her first short film.

克萊蒙.薩爾德 Clément CÉARD

畢業於埃米爾柯爾藝術學院,畢製作品入圍多項國際影展,於動畫領域嶄露頭角。現於母校任教,持續以2D 動畫師身分參與不同類型電視及電影創作。

Clément CÉARD graduated from Emile Cohl school in 2006. His graduation film, Le Veilleur, was selected to several international festivals. Since then, he has participated in many series, short films and feature films as a 2D animator and chief animator.

我的對手是隻鵝 The Goose

捷克、法國 Czech Republic, France | 2023 | DCP | Colour, B&W | 13min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 安錫動畫影展年輕觀眾短片競賽入圍
★ 2023 捷克國際動畫影展最佳捷克短片

人鵝間的大戰,一觸即發⋯⋯夢想成為足球員的男孩,某天在家裡院子練習時,突然發現一隻喜怒無常的鵝出現在面前,為他的生活帶來許多困擾。看來,在達成夢想之前,英雄得過「鵝」這關!幽默逗趣的劇情中意外包裹真摯親情,詼諧自在的3D 偶動畫,出了戲院後絕對會掛上大大微笑細細回味!

A boy fantasizes about becoming a famous footballer, playing in big stadiums — but first he has to win a match in a small backyard against a goose.

揚.米卡 Jan MÍKA

1979 年生於捷克,畢業於布拉格表演藝術學院電影電視學院導演學士,以及捷克Film School in Písek 視覺特效與動畫碩士。其作品結合多種動畫形式及真人影像,時而童稚時而對社會充滿反思。

Born in the Czech Republic, Jan MÍKA graduated with a bachelor's degree from FAMU in Prague (directing) and a master's degree from FAMO in Pisek (visual effects and classic animation). He focuses mainly on animated and hybrid films, and has been awarded at many film festivals.

末日打怪教學!汪 Apocalypse Dog

法國 France | 2022 | DCP | Colour | 7min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 科索沃FerFILM 國際影展最佳動畫片
★ 2022 西班牙科拉魯尼亞國際動畫短片影展兒童類最佳短片


In a post-apocalyptic universe, Bob and his dog Pasha survive in a wasteland. They are hungry, thirsty and tired. Suddenly, they see a city in the distance!

阿齊利茲.勒克蘭什 Aziliz LE CLAINCHE
卡米爾.納斯特雷 Camille NASARRE
錢靜 Jing QIAN
朱麗葉.巴羅 Juliette BARRAUX
艾瑪.普盧米 Emma PLUMEY
露西爾.阿爾諾 Lucile ARNAUD
索萊娜.考奇 Solène CAUCHIE


Aziliz LE CLAINCHE, Camille NASARRE, Jing QIAN, Juliette BARRAUX, Emma PLUMEY, Lucile ARNAUD and Solène CAUCHIE graduated from Supinfocom Rubika (Valenciennes, France). In 2022, they codirected the short film Apocalypse Dog.

流浪公主找個家 Princess Aubergine

德國 Germany | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 8min

★ 亞洲首映
★ 2023 安錫動畫影展
★ 2023 里斯本獨立影展
★ 2023 英國FLATPACK 電影節

森林裡蹦出了一位小女孩,她獨自闖進了一個繽紛熱鬧且快樂富足的國度。國王與皇后有個能夠培育各種植物的花園,並擁有許多珍奇寶物,然而,他們卻也有個其他人都沒有的煩惱。小女孩該怎麼解決國王和皇后的煩惱呢?本作改編自童書,巧妙揉合了2D 及3D 實物拍攝,展現出這部匠心獨具且風格獨特的動畫傑作。

A king and a queen have almost everything, but something is missing. Desperate as they are, they search for the perfect seed to grow a child, but the only thing flourishing is their garden.

迪娜.維利科夫斯卡婭 Dina VELIKOVSKAYA

1984 年生於莫斯科,畢業於俄羅斯電影學院、莫斯科藝術學院及莫斯科高等動畫學校工作室,現居柏林。擅長停格動畫,復古經典的手作動畫技巧及風格化的敘事,深受國際肯定。

Dina VELIKOVSKAYA graduated from the animation department of Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) in 2011 and continued her studies at School-Studio “SHAR” (Moscow). She earned international recognition for My Strange Grandfather (2011) and About a Mother (2015), and has since released three more films, Kukuschka, Ties, and Princess Aubergine.

朗朗天空下 Under A Shooting Contrail

美國 USA | 2022 | DCP | Colour | 6min

★ 臺灣首映


A little stop-motion puppet leaves his studio and explores the outside world. He experiences the vast, dynamic, and unpredictable world of nature through the lens of a stop-motion puppet.

中山莉佳 NAKAYAMA Rika


NAKAYAMA Rika is a Japanese experimental and stop-motion animator currently based in Los Angeles. She received her BFA in Illustration and Film/Animation/Video from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2021 and currently pursues an MFA in Experimental Animation at the California Institute of the Arts. She loves to work with physical materials and her animated works often feature subtle phenomena from the everyday world, sensory experiences, and technical experimentations centered on materiality and texture.

森林搖籃曲 Somni

德國 Germany | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 3min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 柏林影展
★ 2023 斯洛伐克國際動畫影展
★ 2023 里斯本獨立影展


The sun sets and the eyes fall closed. Rocking from one green leaf to the next, the little monkey glides gently to sleep. But what happens next? In the world of dreams, things get darker, more colorful, and wilder. Mysterious plants, creatures and shapes line the trajectory through the night. Somni is a cinematic lullaby.

索尼婭.羅勒德 Sonja ROHLEDER

1982 年生於德國茨維考,2009 年以畢業作品《Coccoon Child》入選柏林影展,並與同學創辦動畫團體「會說話的動物」,除創作外,她亦與國際製片人、藝術家合作,以及教授課程、為遊戲和VR 體驗製作動畫。

Sonja ROHLEDER is an animator who has been and part of The Talking Animal's Animation Collective since 2009. Her passion is to create colorful moving images, preferably on black. Her degree in animation from the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf made her go on to create awarads winning films, collaborate with international producers and artists, teaching classes, and animate for games and VR experiences.

喵喵平行世界 The Parallel World of Cat

日本 Japan | 2022 | DCP | Colour | 3min

★ 國際首映
★ 2023 日本Mitaka 獨立動畫影展
★ 2022 日本校際動畫影展

當一隻貓的感覺如何呢?追著逗貓棒時像在捕捉四處飛竄的鳥兒,躲進紙箱則像蜷在輕舟任水漂流,家裡的主人是隻直立的二足獸。生活,不過是懶洋洋的躺著曬太陽,輕鬆自在。運用2D 手繪及動態圖像設計,打造極簡的影像風格,並透過單音木琴的聲音設計,營造貓步般輕巧的氛圍,令觀眾恍如有瞬間踏入貓咪世界的錯覺。

How do cats feel about the world? House cats have their own unique view of the world with respect to things and people in the house. Based on the psychological activities and biological characteristics of cats, let's take a glimpse into the world of cats through their animated expressions.

孫高豪 SUN Gaohao

生於上海,擅長透過設計去思考動畫與影像間的關係,2018 年進入東京造型大學就讀動畫系,2022 年畢業於同校動畫研究所。《喵喵平行世界》是他的首部動畫短片,一舉奪下應屆東京造型大學最佳畢業作品的殊榮。

SUN Gaohao was born in Shanghai, China and began studying abroad in Japan in 2017. He entered Tokyo Zokei University in 2018, majoring in animation, and commenced postgraduate studies in 2022, studying animation and video expression through design thinking.

手機丟掉丟掉 The Magnet

科索沃 Kosova | 2022 | DCP | B&W, Colour | 6min

★ 亞洲首映
★ 2022 科索沃Anibar 動畫影展
★ 2022 荷蘭Cinekid 影展


The boy's family is hypnotized by the screens of their phones. They do not talk, laugh or have any interest in anything other than the lights of their screens. The boy tries to get his family back by building a machine that will take away their hypnotic phones: A big magnet.

阿爾萬.貝里沙 Arvan BERISHA

生於科索沃,擁有平面設計師與動畫師身分,2016 年獲得科索沃Anibar 動畫影展最佳漫畫獎,並於2022 年自瑞士琉森應用科技與藝術大學畢業。除了創意工作,平時也在科索沃動畫學院授課。

Arvan BERISHA is an experienced graphic designer, animator and creative communicator. An excellent digital illustrator, he realized his long-awaited dream with the debut of his first animated film, Magneti. He also loves to mentor others and has taught four generations of students at the Kosovo Academy of Animation.

∵∴∵∴ ෆ˚₊‧ ꒰ 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 高 雄 電 影 節 ꒱ ‧₊˚ෆ ∴∵∴∵

‎ܰ 𝙺𝚊𝚘𝚑𝚜𝚒𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖 𝙵𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒v𝚊𝚕‎ ܱ

ଘ 影展放映¦10.07-10.22 ଓ

ଘ 官網上線¦https://www.kff.tw/

ଘ Facebook¦https://www.facebook.com/TWKFF/

ଘ Instagram¦https://www.instagram.com/khfilmfestival/


—— 銷售時間:09.17 SUN. 12:00 - 10.06 FRI. 23:59 ——
早鳥優惠票 150元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張

—— 銷售時間:10.07 SAT. 00:00 - 10.22 SUN. ——
長片全票 200元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張
電影館GOLD+會員優惠價 150元/張

—— 數量有限售完為止 ——
雄影短護照 699元/張


▓ 退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前1日辦理,每張酌收票面金額10%手續費,逾期恕不受理。
▓ 紙本票請於觀影前完成取票,高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心內惟戲院、VR體感劇院及影展售票處均不提供取票服務。








  1. 以「信用卡、行動支付、文化幣全額支付」購票:
  2. 以「ATM轉帳、現金」購票:



  1. 現場退票:
    9/22(日)~10/11(五)請至以下場館辦理:高雄市電影館:13:30~21:00,週一休館。內惟藝術中心 內惟戲院:11:00~21:00,週一休館 ※另有休館日將公告於官網。

    ▲高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心、市總圖 7 樓|每日該場地首場開演前 30 分鐘起,至末場開演後 20 分鐘

    ▲VR 體感劇院|週一至週日 13:00~19:00

    ▲P3倉庫|週一至週四 11:00~19:00、週五至週日 11:00~20:00

  2. 或至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理。
  3. 郵寄退票:
    請將存摺影本(刷卡購票無須提供)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。退票郵寄前請記下票面之訂單編號,並請妥善保存掛號收據。


  • 如購票時使用文化幣或點數折抵,退票時,系統將退還折抵之全額文化幣,並於扣除退票手續費後,優先退還點數,再將剩餘款項退回。特別提醒,如退票時(含換、補票及因節目異動之退票),抵用之文化幣、點數已逾使用效期,OPENTIX將無法以任何形式進行返還、展延。

  • 【優惠組合退票】若購買兩個品項以上之優惠組合,退票須全數辦理退票,或退票後剩餘數量仍符合原優惠組合規則,方可辦理。

  • 【套票退票】套票退票需整套辦理,無法以單張票券申請退票,亦不接受換票。如購買不同場次票券,最遲需於所購買的首場演出日1日前(不含演出日)辦理,如套票另有規定者,請依套票頁面之注意事項為主。

    ※ 依據文化部「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第3點規定,本節目之主要表演人員或主要節目內容,於預定表演前發生變動時,本活動之退票機制、受理方式、退款途徑等資訊,將另行公告於本節目頁面。
