
Baby Universe: You’re Good, I’ll be Good.

類別: 電影
財團法人臺中市影視發展基金會 02-29621255


【2023臺中國際動畫影展】寶貝小宇宙:你好,我也好 Baby Universe: You’re Good, I’ll be Good.


成長過程有時候碰到的是自己情緒與習慣的調整,《我的名字叫恐懼》裡,化身 擬人的「恐懼」現身說法。對於這個世界的理解想像與同理也是很重要的課題,兩部動畫紀錄片《隱藏的英雄》和《一百年後的我,你好嗎?》分別用輕鬆有趣的童稚言語和影像,表達對於戰爭與環境永續的憂慮。更重要的,或許是面對這個世界的限制,要接受自己,不要放棄夢想,就像《彼得》和《小兒子:歌詞》所要表達的。這個單元的短片集,呈現動畫世界中對問題與相處的各種奇想,希望能「你好,我也好」。

Animation has always naturally drawn the attention of children. It accompanies and inspires them as they grow. This year’s “Baby’s Universe Program” explores how characters navigate the world and handle challenging situations. Take for instance, “Cat and Moth”, where an adorable chubby cat contemplates sharing its space with an intruding blue moth. What choice will it make? Or in “Wild Housemates” ,where two hungry lynxes couldn’t agree on whether to eat the black goat. How will they find common ground? “Balcony Cacophony” comically portrays relatable conflicts between neighbors. “To Be Sisters” tells a heartwarming story of sibling dynamics, as an older sister supports her physically challenged younger sister.

In certain situations, we must learn to manage our emotions and habits. “My Name is Fear” personifies fear itself to illustrate this concept. Learning how to engage with, understand, imagine, and sympathize with the world around us is also an invaluable lesson, as seen in “Hidden Heroes” and “Hello to Me in 100 Years.” These animated documentaries use playful language and imagery to address concerns about warfare and environmental sustainability. Perhaps the most vital life lesson is learning to accept ourselves and never forget our dreams despite life’s limitations. “Pete” and “My Little Boys: Lyrics” emphasize this message. Through this program, we aim to share various ways of interacting and resolving challenges as we grow, echoing the sentiment, “You’re good, I’ll be good,” for all.

【我的名字叫恐懼】My Name is Fear
伊麗莎普洛西尼亞克阿爾瓦雷斯 Eliza PLOCIENIAK-ALVAREZ|德國 Germany|2021|2D、3D|DCP|Color|5 min

The emotion "fear" that lives in your head wants to give an interview. Maybe you can become friends! Or is there a reason to be afraid of being afraid?

2022 葡萄牙 MONSTRA 動畫影展評審團特別提及獎、學校觀眾票選獎
2022 渥太華國際動畫影展兒童評審團獎、最佳兒童電影獎

【一百年後的我,你好嗎?】Hello to Me in 100 Years
張吾青 CHANG Wu-Ching|臺灣 Taiwan|2022|2D|DCP|Color|10 min

What will it be like in 100 years? This animated documentary combines historical documents, children's interviews, and paintings to create a futuristic world in children's language. Regardless of the advancement of civilization and technology, life needs each other's company.

2023 雅典國際動畫影展參展
2022 英國 BFI 倫敦影展參展
2022 臺灣國際兒童影展參展

【野蠻室友】Wild Housemates
阿梅爾默卡特 Armelle MERCAT|法國 France|2023|手繪、2D|DCP|Color|15 min

A joyful goat decides to build a cabin in the jungle. But the construction process results in sharing it with dangerous roommates. Luckily, to she succeeds in building a friendship. However, it comes at a heavy price.

2023 安錫國際動畫影展入圍

【隱藏的英雄】Hidden Heroes
安娜萊文森 Anna LEVINSON|德國 Germany|2022|2D|DCP|Color|2 min

在德國,幾乎每五個孩子中就有一個面臨貧困的風險。該影片講述了三個來自不同背景、家庭和生活環境的孩子的故事,以及他們的日常掙扎。為了應對現實,他們編造出最荒謬的故事:他們是超級英雄,擁有各種看不見的超能力。Almost every 5th child in Germany is at risk of poverty. The film tells the story of three children of different origins, families and living conditions, and their everyday struggles. To cope with reality, they make up the wildest stories: they are superheroes and have various superpowers no one can see.

【小兒子:歌詞】My Little Boys:Lyrics
史明輝 Jack SHIH|臺灣 Taiwan|2022|2D|DCP|Color|4 min

駱爸鼻其實有著搖滾魂,年輕時曾經幫伍佰、The Party 寫過歌詞,也許是遺傳吧,小兒子阿甯咕知道後,也懷著一顆熱愛音樂的心,回到學校後決定大力改組聊天社,邁向音樂之路!就算路上遇到不同的困難,但為了音樂,絕不能輕易放棄!
Daddy Lo actually has a rock soul, when he was young, he used to write lyrics for Wu Bai and The Party. His son, A Nee Gu, knew about it, but he also has a passion for music, and decided to reorganize the Chat Club to take the road to music! Even though there are different difficulties along the way, for the sake of music, we can't give up so easily!

【陽台噪音】Balcony Cacophony
昆汀哈伯漢姆 Quentin HABERHAM|荷蘭 The Netherlands|2022|停格動畫|DCP|Color|5 min

When a rich lady with a passion for topiary must swap her mansion with lush gardens for a tiny council flat, she finds it difficult to cope with her new neighbor and his strange hobbies.

【成為姊妺】To Be Sisters
安妮索菲古塞特、克萊門特塞阿爾 Anne-Sophie GOUSSET, Clément CÉARD|法國 France|2023|2D|DCP|Color|7 min

"To be sisters"is about sharing a special bond and laughing together. "To be sisters" is to be propelled by love. But these particular sisters share something extra, something a bit different, and that’s absolutely fine.

2023 安錫國際動畫影展兒少觀眾獎

布雷特帕克 Bret PARKER|美國 USA|2022|2D|DCP|Color|7 min

1975 年,我們在佛羅里達州的溫特帕克遇到了彼得——一個 8 歲男孩, 夢想著像小區裡其他孩子一樣打棒球。但問題是,彼得有點不同於球隊裡的孩子,而這個世界可能還沒有準備好接受像彼得這樣的孩子。
We meet Pete in 1975 in Winter Park, Florida - an 8-year-old with a dream of playing baseball like all the other kids on the cul-de-sac. The thing is, Pete isn’t quite like all the other kids on the team, and the world may not be quite ready yet for a kid like Pete.

2023 安錫國際動畫影展青年評審獎

【貓和飛蛾】Cat and Moth
印地亞巴納多 India BARNARDO|加拿大 Canada、英國 UK|2021|2D、3D|DCP|Color|7 min

A fluffy white cat wants nothing more than to find the most comfortable spot in the universe, but little does she know someone else has their eye on it too.

2021 曼徹斯特影展最佳動畫

▍2023臺中國際動畫影展更多資訊請見 ▍









【曙光套票】:每套488元 / 限量100套
可兌換 8 張電影票券,包含

A. 6張優惠券(可兌換任意場次,開、閉幕片除外)

B. 2張競賽單元場次(需於購買時完成選位)


【追影通行證】: 每張799元 / 數量有限,售完為止



※影廳內無障礙座位有限,如有需求,自 09/15(五)起,請於週一至週五 10:00 - 18:00 或 10/13 - 10/21影展期間 10:00 - 18:00 來電洽詢 0973-050-993 影展工作人員。







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