彼得・克雷克斯 Peter KEREKES|斯洛伐克 Slovakia|2014| DCP |Colour|13 min
1968年,捷共高層邀請蘇聯入侵,終結布拉格之春,挽救共產體制。2013年,斯洛伐克獨立建國、施行民主20週年,導演感嘆政界貪腐,決定依樣畫葫蘆,寫信邀請芬蘭侵佔國土,自己做不好主,就另請高明來教教民主!《斯洛伐克 2.0》短片集之一,概念始於導演的玩笑,卻又正經執行,是認真、反串還是預言?請君自斷。
Peter Kerekes thinks that Slovakia lacks sufficient tradition and the ability to govern itself. While dreaming of low corruption and robust social systems, he is too lazy to move and does not like Scandinavian winters. That is why he decided to bring the Scandinavian political system to Slovakia.
'I once said in a pub as a joke, that a country that cannot democratically help its development and reach a degree of normality, has only one option: to invite the assistance of a foreign army. That was when I returned from a month-long stay in Finland. I was thrilled about the country. I thought that, if Finnish administrators, inspectors, and judges were deployed in Slovakia, our country would at last embark on the path to democracy. Twenty years ago Slovakia was unprepared to govern itself. With the current pace, we are likely to reach democracy in about 200 years. People are not used to bearing responsibility for their own decisions; we have no continuity of governance, institutions, and no respect for authorities. That is the result of those who have been pretending to be the authority for years.' - Peter KEREKES
2014 Ji.hlava IDFF 捷克伊赫拉瓦國際紀錄片影展
2014 Warsaw IFF 波蘭華沙國際電影節
伊凡・奧斯特羅沃夫斯基 Ivan OSTROCHOVSKÝ、帕沃・佩卡奇克 Pavol PEKARČÍK、彼得・克雷克斯 Peter KEREKES|斯洛伐克 Slovakia、捷克 Czech Republic、克羅埃西亞 Croatia|2013| DCP |Colour|91 min
This film follows three former Czechoslovakian regime terrorists, reenacting their acts while sharing their present lives. Stano sought to bomb a Communist party platform, Fero plotted a president's assassination, and Vladimír blew up billboards and distributed protest flyers. Blending reality and fiction, the film explores heroism, humour, and rebellion amidst totalitarianism with ironic subtlety.
'In Velvet Terrorists, there is one scene that's especially important to me. It's a film done by three directors [with Ivan Ostrochovský and Pavol Pekarcik] and it was very, very complicated to make it together. There were so many moments when I just wanted to leave. To say: “Ok guys, I will just be the producer.” But there was one moment when I fell in love with the film. When Vladimir and the young woman he has recruited to train to test a lie detector, she is asking him if he is training somebody to be a terrorist. He says yes. She asks if it's a woman. He says yes. She asks: “Are you in love with her?” Because she is in love with him. And then she just makes this loud gulping noise. It's not a statement, just a silent moment of this hidden affection. It made me want to stay.' - Peter KEREKES
2013 FEDEORA Award, Karlovy Vary IFF 卡羅維瓦利影展歐洲電影聯盟最佳影片
2014 Berlinale 柏林影展
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► 5.10-5.19 國家影視聽中心|臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB|光點華山電影館|京站威秀
►TIDF IG:https://www.instagram.com/tidf.tw/
【TIDF套票】 420元/套(一套含6張電影優惠券)
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