水槽夢魘 (數位修復)Kitchen Sink
紐西蘭 New Zealand | 1989 | DCP | B&W | 14 min
1989 坎城影展短片金棕櫚獎提名 | 1989 雪梨影展觀眾票選最佳短片
A woman who pulls at a strand of hair that seems to be caught in her sink, only to discover that it’s actually linked to the body of a grotesque creature. From the bowels of the kitchen sink comes a dark and tender love. A nightmare comes true. Starring a young Theresa HEALEY, this jarringly grotesque film presents the monochrome mixture of horror and romance, while addresses issues of gender politics and feminist praxis. Film courtesy of Hibiscus Films, Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga New Zealand Film Commission and Aotearoa New Zealand Film Heritage Trust.
艾莉森.馬克萊 Alison MACLEAN
生於加拿大,成長於紐西蘭,因短片《水槽夢魘》的亮眼成績備受國際影壇矚目,首兩部長片作品《Crush》入圍坎城影展競賽片、《Jesus’ Son》獲威尼斯影展小金獅獎及最佳導演提名,後移居美國踏入電視及廣告領域,曾參與執導經典劇集《慾望城市》、《拉字至上》、《都鐸王朝》、《花邊教主》等。
Born in Canada and raised in New Zealand, she came to international attention with short film Kitchen Sink and her follow-up success with two feature films: Crush, which played in Competition at Cannes, and Jesus’ Son, which won Little Gold Lion at Venice Film Festival. She has also directed episodes of the critically acclaimed series such as Sex and the City, The Tudors, The L Word, and Gossip Girl.
大限將至(4K數位修復)Days Are Numbered
美國 USA | 1986 | DCP | Color | 16 min
一名男子,自從踩到動物屍體、鞋子染上鮮血後,就無法輕易從那回憶脫身。敘事在無限的重複迴圈中增生,年輕的史蒂夫.布希密(Steve BUSCEMI)亦在片中飾演一角。本片為「Apparatus Films」出品,該製作公司由瓦尚與好友陶德.海恩斯(Todd HAYNES)、貝瑞.艾爾斯沃(Barry ELSWORTH)三人共同創立於八〇年代。出品作品近年被尋獲後,由「IndieCollect」完成數位修復。
A man haunted by the grotesque memory of having stepped on a dead animal’s carcass is an artistic tour de force starring Michael EDWARDS (the voice of Richard CARPENTER in Todd HAYNES’ Superstar) and a young Steve BUSCEMI. 4K Restoration by IndieCollect.
克里斯汀.瓦尚 Christine VACHON
美國重量級製片人,九〇年代初以監製《毒藥》引起矚目,自1995年共同創辦製片公司「Killer Films」,製作無數美國經典獨立電影,並形塑著新酷兒電影運動的走向,知名監製作品包括《男孩別哭》、《搖滾芭比》、《我殺了安迪沃荷》、《我女朋友的女朋友》、《遠離天堂》、《因為愛你》、《之前的我們》等。
One of the most influential producers of American independent cinema. Since 1995, along with Pamela KOFFLER, she runs Killer Films Company, which has produced hundreds of films and TV series. With HAYNES and others, she emerged as a pivotal tastemaker in the New Queer Cinema movement and beyond, producing many acclaimed titles includes Boys Don’t Cry, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Happiness, Safe, I Shot Andy Warhol, Go Fish, Far From Heaven, I'm Not There, with more recent titles such as Carol and Past Lives.
邪魔歪道(4K數位修復)The Way of the Wicked
美國 USA | 1989 | DCP | Color | 16 min
經過修女耳提面命的提醒,小女孩做好萬全準備參加第一次聖餐儀式,兩個女人得知後拔腿衝刺到現場,共同見證一場「奇蹟」。此節奏輕快的戲謔小品,由「Apparatus Films」製作,「IndieCollect」完成數位修復。
A seemingly innocent girl takes her first Communion but then removes the Eucharist from her mouth, with consequences that are both horrific and hilarious. 4K Restoration by IndieCollect.
克里斯汀.瓦尚 Christine VACHON
美國重量級製片人,九〇年代初以監製《毒藥》引起矚目,自1995年共同創辦製片公司「Killer Films」,製作無數美國經典獨立電影,並形塑著新酷兒電影運動的走向,知名監製作品包括《男孩別哭》、《搖滾芭比》、《我殺了安迪沃荷》、《我女朋友的女朋友》、《遠離天堂》、《因為愛你》、《之前的我們》等。
One of the most influential producers of American independent cinema. Since 1995, along with Pamela KOFFLER, she runs Killer Films Company, which has produced hundreds of films and TV series. With HAYNES and others, she emerged as a pivotal tastemaker in the New Queer Cinema movement and beyond, producing many acclaimed titles includes Boys Don’t Cry, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Happiness, Safe, I Shot Andy Warhol, Go Fish, Far From Heaven, I'm Not There, with more recent titles such as Carol and Past Lives.
女巫的搖籃 The Witch's Cradle
美國 USA | 1943 | DCP | B&W | 13 min
瑪雅.黛倫未完成的無聲作品,攝於古根漢的本世紀藝術畫廊,標幟著瑪雅.黛倫與法國藝術家杜象的經典合作。全片充斥符號和儀式性意象,從一位神秘女子和西裝紳士的連結,延伸至人物及周遭空間的關係,交織出令人著魔又躁動不安的夢魘之境。此版本由「Anthology Film Archives」保存部門將多為半剪輯狀態的倖存鏡頭重組而成。
An unfinished Maya DEREN film starring the mysterious Pajorita MATTA and Dada artist Marcel DUCHANP, made in the Guggenheim Gallery during a surrealist "Art of this Century" exhibit. It was assembled long after her death by staffers within the preservation department at Anthology Film Archives.
瑪雅.黛倫 Maya DEREN
前衛電影之母,美國實驗電影先鋒,亦為理論家、舞者、詩人、作家、攝影家。於1943年完成的 《午後的羅網》,至今仍為美國實驗電影最具開創性的作品之一。即便一生作品不多,其電影敘事美學及對於性別、身體、儀式、時間性的思考,影響後世至今。
One of the most important American experimental filmmakers and entrepreneurial promoters of the avant-garde in the 1940s and 1950s. DEREN was also a choreographer, dancer, film theorist, poet, writer and photographer. Her 1943 film Meshes of the Afternoon remains her unassailable magnum opus, and is widely considered one of the most influential experimental films in American cinema..
安息吧 Rest In Peace
美國 USA | 1996 | DCP | B&W | 13 min
1998 鹿特丹影展
場景設置在19世紀,描繪一對姐妹跨越生死的人鬼互動。本片由瑞秋.阿莫迪歐自編自導,並擔綱演出女鬼角色,女鬼的妹妹則由聞名地下藝術場景的傳奇漫畫家、音樂人暨表演家達西夫人(Dame Darcy)所飾。全片宛如施上闇黑魔法的詭艷世界,以綺麗的新維多利亞歌德風格向默片時代致敬。
Set in the 1800s, the film, shot on 16mm, is a tribute to the silent film era with double exposure special effects. Rachel AMODEO played the lead role as “Mable Dibble,” a ghost who haunts her sister, played by underground art legend Dame Darcy.
瑞秋.阿莫迪歐 Rachel AMODEO
生於義大利,早期活躍於紐約下東區地下龐克場景,並加入全女龐克樂團「Das Furlines」成名。八〇年代自導自演的首部作《What About Me》具經典靠片地位,其他執導作品則完成於九〇年代。
Born in Italy and raised in California, she moved to New York in 1982 to pursue a career as a drummer and later joined the punk band Das Furlines. It was there that she made her debut film, What About Me, which later became a cult classic followed by other two shorts completed in the late 1990s.