★ 3/02 場次由策展人三澤真美惠出席映後座談 Post-screening talk with Curator MISAWA Mamie.
林摶秋 LIN Tuan-chiu|台灣 Taiwan|1965|DCP|B&W|108min
2018 台灣國際女性影展 Women Make Waves IFF
2019 葡萄牙波多奇幻影展 Fantasporto
Tenn Kong-hui is a private detective who exploits people's secrets only to blackmail them. His ex-lover, Tai-gok, serves as the secretary to a steel company chairman, and is often occupied by complicated relationships. After breaking up, Kong-hui starts collecting evidence against her and those around her. One night, he is mysteriously found dead. While the investigation lands on five suspects, all present alibis. The revelation of the sixth suspect sheds light on the case.
【阿三哥出馬 + 溜冰場、丈夫的秘密(錯戀)(數位修復版)、六個嫌疑犯(數位修復版)、五月十三傷心夜(數位修復版)】
◎ 該場次開演前一小時可至現場櫃檯免費索票,每人限索兩張,數量有限,索完為止。
※ 如遇12:00前的場次,則於開演前半小時開放索票。
Vote for San + The Rink, The Husband's Secret (Restored), Six Suspects (Restored), May 13th, Night of Sorrow (Restored)
◎ Free tickets available on request at the Info Desk one hour before the screening. 2 tickets maximum per person. Available on a first come first serve basis.
※ 30 minutes prior for all screenings before 12:00 pm.
1. 請遵守電影分級制度,並依規定入場觀影。本中心得視情況依照放映 影片之分級於入場時查核相關證件。
2. 影片放映前10分鐘進場,若入場人數較多,本中心得視情況提前開放入場;影片開演20分鐘後禁止入場(特殊場次將另行公告,不在此限)。
3. 影廳內禁止食用味道濃郁或影響其他觀眾的食物或飲品。
4. 影廳內禁止吸煙及攜帶寵物進入。
5. 入場時請衣著整齊。
6. 影廳內禁止錄音、錄影。
7. 觀影時,請勿站坐走道,並請將行動電話關機或轉為震動。
8. 未滿2歲且不佔位之幼童,無需購票,但應出示相關證明文件,且每位幼童需由一位已購票之成人陪伴。未滿2歲之幼童僅得觀賞普遍級之影片。
9. 2歲至12歲之孩童,請購買孩童票入場,必要時須由已購票之監護人、親友或師長陪伴,並應遵守電影分級制度入場。