“No show, just profound and dedicated musicianship.”——The Arts Desc
Hailed by Herbert von Karajan as "the greatest violinist in the world," Gidon Kremer is both masterful in his craft and exceptionally imaginative. He infuses his playing with originality and is actively involved in initiating audiences into the world of contemporary works. The joint effort by Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica, which he founded, has helped contemporary works from Northern and Eastern Europe and South America to gain more attentions over the years.
Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica will return to Taiwan after several years' hiatus. This time, they will perform the works of Argentinian composers Alberto Ginastera and Astor Piazzolla and the music of the Georgian composer Giya Kancheli, as well as Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4 with the Latvian pianist Georgijs Osokins. The audience can look forward to experiencing infinite possibilities of music-making of both classical and contemporary music.
小提琴 Violin|基頓.克萊曼 Gidon Kremer
鋼琴 Piano|喬治.歐索金斯 Georgijs Osokins
波羅的海絃樂團 Kremerata Baltica
Alberto Ginastera: Concerto for strings Op. 33
貝多芬:G大調第四號鋼琴協奏曲,作品58 (改編給鋼琴與絃樂團)
Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 (version for string orchestra)
坎切利:《默禱》,寫給小提琴、大提琴、鐵琴、絃樂團與磁帶 (CD)
Giya Kancheli: "Silent prayer" for violin, cello, vibraphone, strings and tape (CD)
Astor Piazzolla: "Las Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas" (version for violin and strings)
✦ 時間:10.25 (五) 19:00
✦ 地點:國家音樂廳大廳
✦ 講者:資深古典音樂媒體人 邢子青
©Angie Kremer
基頓.克萊曼 Gidon Kremer
在世界知名小提琴家中,基頓.克萊曼可能擁有最不尋常的職業生涯。他出生於拉脫維亞,十八歲開始在莫斯科音樂學院向小提琴大師歐伊斯特拉赫(David Oistrakh)學習。隨後基頓.克萊曼贏得了一系列的著名獎項,包括1967年布魯塞爾伊麗莎白女王大賽、1969年蒙特婁國際音樂大賽的獎項,以及1969年帕格尼尼國際大賽、1970年柴可夫斯基國際大賽一等獎。
在過去五十年裡,基頓.克萊曼已經豎立了最具原創性和吸引力的藝術影響力。他幾乎在所有主要的音樂會舞臺上演出,並作為獨奏家,與全球最著名的管絃樂團、指揮大師合作。 基頓.克萊曼的曲目範圍非常廣泛。它涵蓋了古典和浪漫時期的小提琴名作,以及20世紀和21世紀的主要作曲家,如貝爾格(Alban Berg)、亨策(Hans Werner Henze)和史托克豪森(Karlheinz Stockhausen)。他還積極推廣當代俄羅斯和東歐作曲家的作品,其中更有部分作品是專為他創作的。
他的演奏與舒尼特克(Alfred Schnittke)、佩爾特(Arvo Pärt)、坎切利(Giya Kancheli)、古拜杜麗娜(Sofia Gubaidulina)、約翰.亞當斯(John Adams)、麥可.尼曼(Michael Nyman)、菲利普.葛拉斯(Philip Glass)和皮亞佐拉(Astor Piazzolla)等作曲家密切相關。他以尊重傳統的方式演奏這些作品,同時充分體現其新鮮感和原創性。平心而論,或許沒有其他具有同等國際聲望的音樂家,為推廣當代音樂做出更多貢獻。
基頓.克萊曼也是一位非常多產的錄音演奏家,錄製了超過120張專輯。其中許多專輯因其卓越的詮釋,獲得了包括法國唱片大獎、德國唱片大獎、葛萊美獎、聯合國教科文組織獎等著名獎項。基頓.克萊曼使用的是尼古拉.阿瑪蒂(Nicola Amati)在1641年製作的名琴。
Driven by his strikingly uncompromising artistic philosophy, Gidon Kremer has established a worldwide reputation as one of his generation's most original and compelling artists.
His repertoire encompasses standard classical scores and music by leading twentieth and twenty-first century composers. He has championed the works of Russian and Eastern European composers and performed many important new compositions, several of which have been dedicated to him. His name is closely associated with such composers as Alfred Schnittke, Arvo Pärt, Giya Kancheli, Sofia Gubaidulina, Valentin Silvestrov, Luigi Nono, Edison Denisov, Aribert Reimann, Pēteris Vasks, John Adams, Victor Kissine, Michael Nyman, Philip Glass, Leonid Desyatnikov and Astor Piazzolla, whose works he performs in ways that respect tradition while being fully alive to their freshness and originality. It is fair to say that no other soloist of comparable international stature has done more to promote the cause of contemporary composers and new music for violin.
Gidon Kremer has recorded over 120 albums, many of which have received prestigious international awards in recognition of their exceptional interpretative insights. His long list of honours and awards include the Ernst von Siemens Musikpreis, the Bundesverdienstkreuz, Moscow's Triumph Prize, the Unesco Prize and the Una Vita Nella Musica – Artur Rubinstein Prize. In 2016 Gidon Kremer has received a Praemium Imperiale prize that is widely considered to be the Nobel Prize of music.
In 1997 Gidon Kremer founded the chamber orchestra Kremerata Baltica to foster outstanding young musicians from the Baltic States. The ensemble tours extensively and has recorded almost 30 albums for the Nonesuch, Deutsche Grammophon, ECM labels. In 2016/17 Kremerata Baltica was on landmark tours through Middle East, North America, Europe, and Asia to celebrate the orchestra's 20th anniversary.
His commitment to the "discovery" of the composer Mieczyslaw Weinberg, for which Kremer has rendered particularly outstanding services in recent years, should also be emphasized. In 2019 and 2021, Deutsche Grammophon and Accentus Music released albums recorded by and with Gidon Kremer with orchestral and chamber music works by Weinberg.
©Janis Romanovskis
喬治.歐索金斯 Georgijs Osokins
Latvian pianist Georgijs Osokins has gained international attention through his participation at age of 19 in the XVII International Chopin Piano Competition where he quickly became an absolute Audience Favorite. His interpretations were dubbed by critics as "revolutionary", "exceptional" and "unpredictable".
Shortly after the Chopin Competition, Osokins made important debuts at the Berlin Konzerthaus, Klavier-Festival Ruhr, Laeiszhalle and Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, International Piano Series in Bern, Lockenhaus Festival, Gstaad Music Festival, NOSPR Concert Hall in Katowice, the Vancouver Playhouse (replacing an outstanding pianist Nelson Freire), Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Hall, Tongyeong Hall in South Korea. In 2021 Georgijs Osokins performed at the 101st Salzburg Festival. In the following seasons (2022/2023) he had his debuts at Wigmore Hall in London, Sala Verdi in Milan, Shanghai Music Festival and Carnegie Hall (Stern Auditorium) in New York.
In 2024 Georgijs makes his solo debut at Pierre-Boulez Saal in Berlin and returns to Milan's Serate Musicali Festival and London's Wigmore Hall.
Georgijs is actively collaborating with Gidon Kremer, touring in the UK, Ireland, Russia, Poland, Germany, Asia and US. Alongside Lucas Debargue, Georgijs was announced the first permanent Guest Artist of Kremerata Baltica in its 25-year history.
Osokins performs on his own bespoke piano bench designed by Fazioli.
©Angie Kremer
波羅的海絃樂團 Kremerata Baltica
基頓.克萊曼特別選擇了年輕且充滿熱情的音樂家,其藝術表現的關鍵在於充滿創意的曲目安排。這些曲目經常超越主流,並首演了如佩爾特(Arvo Pärt)、坎切利(Giya Kancheli)、瓦斯克斯(Pēteris Vasks)、戴斯亞尼科夫(Leonid Desyatnikov)和拉斯卡托夫(Alexander Raskatov)等作曲家的作品。
Founded in 1997 by renowned violinist Gidon Kremer, the Grammy-Award winning chamber orchestra Kremerata Baltica is considered to be one of Europe’s most prominent international ensembles.
Maestro Kremer intentionally selected young, enthusiastic musicians to stave off the dreaded "orchestritis" that afflicts many professional orchestral players. Essential to Kremerata Baltica's artistic personality is its creative approach to programming, which often ranges beyond the mainstream and has given rise to world premieres of works by composers such as Arvo Pärt, Giya Kancheli, Pēteris Vasks, Leonid Desyatnikov and Alexander Raskatov.
Since its establishment Kremerata Baltica has played in more than 50 countries, performing in 600 cities and giving more than 1000 concerts worldwide. The orchestra's wide-ranging and carefully chosen repertoire is also showcased in its numerous and much-praised recordings. Its album of works by Mieczysław Weinberg on ECM was nominated for a 2015 Grammy Award, its recording of Shostakovich's piano concertos with Anna Vinnitskaya won the ECHO Klassik 2016. The recording of Weinberg's symphonies No. 2 and No. 21, a joined adventure with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla, received a Gramophone Award in 2020.
The Kremerata Baltica also serves as a medium to share Gidon Kremer's rich artistic experience with the new generation and, at the same time, to promote and inspire the musical and cultural life of the Baltics.
➤【MUSICO焦點專文】古典音樂先鋒,獨樹一幟的開創者——小提琴家 基頓.克萊曼
➤|阿瑪蒂 ✦ 漢伯格|差點佚失的名琴之聲|
特別感謝 Special Thanks |
功學社教育用品股份有限公司 / 双燕樂器股份有限公司
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