★ 8/18(日)場次為映後座談場!
《尋人啟噬》:賴吟蓁 LAI, Yin-Chen|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|25min
《琥珀糖》:黃雅歆 Ya-Shin HUANG|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|32min
《鬼首、大士》:鄭裕霖、周宣宏 Austin, Leo|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|30min
《尋人啟噬》The Wanted
Three individuals, Ding Shuo-yu, Huang Bo-shun, and Li Jun-hao, had just begun conducting experiments in the laboratory when they unexpectedly received news of Zhou Si-han's disappearance. Consequently, the three decided to venture to the mountains where Zhou Si-han often frequented in search of her. Upon arriving in the forest, the trio meticulously searched for clues and made some new discoveries. In the dead of night, while Ding Shuo-yu was relieving himself in the grass, he accidentally stumbled upon Zhou Si-han's corpse, only to later discover Li Jun-hao bound to a railing! After Huang Bo-shun andDing Shuo-yu helped Li Jun-hao escape, they realized that Zhou Si-han's body had vanished without a trace. Who could be silently orchestrating all of this, and why?
Amber Zhang has a dream agreed with her mother: to open her own dessert shop, and she chooses to support her so that she can realize her dream as soon as possible; the hero Yu Chenyu has been fond of gems since he was achild, and he can also draw his own designs. , so he determined to become a jewelry designer, but in order to satisfy himself, he also worked as a delivery boy. Both of them have their own dreams, but because they have different values, they use different ways to realize them. The two met at an event when they were young, lost contact but met by chance, and the story unfolded.
《鬼首、大士》King of the Ghost
The "Three Treasures of Minxiong," namely the Minxiong Haunted House, Liu Xiangshi (Willow Diviner), and the Dashiyeh Temple, are renowned landmarks. Among them, the Dashiyeh Festival in Minxiong is one of Taiwan's four major events during the Ghost Month. Held annually from the 21st to the 23rd day of the lunar seventh month, it attracts numerous believers from all over the country to participate. This documentary not only captures the essence and imagery of the traditional craft of paper sculpture but also chronicles the power of folk beliefs and the brilliance of a century-old religious celebration.
早鳥啟售期間:8/04(日)13:00 起,至 8/15(四)23:59 止
早鳥票:每張 85 元
全票啟售期間:8/16(五)00:00 起,至 8/25(日)20:40 止
全 票:每張 100 元
敬老/愛心啟售期間:8/04(日)13:00 起,至 8/25(日)20:40 止
敬老票:每張 50 元(年滿 65 歲以上長者可享 5 折優待,入場須出示證件)
愛心票:每張 50 元(身心障礙人士及陪同者 1 名購票 5 折優待,入場時應出示身心障礙手冊,陪同者與身障者需同時入場)
◎影展期間可於 SBC 星橋國際影城、統領威秀影城、中壢光影電影館之「影展服務台」購票。
◎影展現場服務時間為每日首場開演前 30 分鐘起,至末場開演後 20 分鐘止。
◎敬老/愛心票僅供 65 歲以上年長者或持身心障礙身份手冊者與乙名必要陪同者購買,入場時請出示相關證明,否則須補全票差額。
◎以上票種僅適用 2024 第 11 屆桃園電影節期間,於 SBC 星橋國際影城、統領威秀影城、中壢光影電影館之放映場次。
退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前3日辦理,逾期恕不受理。例:8/16(五)映演的場次,最遲於 8/13(二)完成退票手續。