★ 8/25(日)場次為映後座談場!
《那年,回家》:廖冠霖 Grant LIAO|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|19min
《離別沒有吉時》:黎九麟 LI, Jiu-Lin|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|22min
《記憶謊言》:莊翌柔 ZHUANG, Yi-Rou|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|DCP|Color|20min
《那年,回家》Return From Home
Bo-yu was brought up by his grandmother. His grandmother passed away when he was 19 years old. therefore, Bo-yu returned to his mother, Yijun. However, due to differences in life concepts, a generation gap developed. It was not until the last moment of the disagreement that they realized that what they were pursuing along the way was just to get them back to where they started...
《離別沒有吉時》No Propitious Time to Say Goodbye
Ming Chen, a single father dreaming of stardom, wakes up in his hometown to find his family cold and distant. To his shock, he discovers his own funeral underway. Facing his own mortality, he realizes he's missed the chance to bid farewell to his beloved daughter. Through this funeral, amidst their inability to communicate, father and daughter finally connect emotionally. They understand each other's departure. "No Propitious Time to Say Goodbye" the story emphasizes the timely expression of love.
Conventional wisdom often portrays dreams as a realm opposite to reality, filled with unreal and trivial occurrences. However, what remains obscure is that dreams can sometimes mirror reality, potentially harboring prophetic elements or existing as distorted reflections. In our narrative, Shanshan Xu, the female protagonist, grapples with memory loss following a car accident, haunted by recurring nightmares. With the support of her friend Xiaoyue Fang, she seeks aid from psychologist Jiang Ying. Amidst treatment, Shanshan experiences a dream revealing a profound connection with Yuxiang Gao, a man she encounters in waking life, with herfriend also featuring prominently. Doubt gnawing at her, she embarks on a quest for answers, following dream clues back to the accident scene in search of evidence. As her memories gradually resurface, Shanshan confronts as...
早鳥啟售期間:8/04(日)13:00 起,至 8/15(四)23:59 止
早鳥票:每張 85 元
全票啟售期間:8/16(五)00:00 起,至 8/25(日)20:40 止
全 票:每張 100 元
敬老/愛心啟售期間:8/04(日)13:00 起,至 8/25(日)20:40 止
敬老票:每張 50 元(年滿 65 歲以上長者可享 5 折優待,入場須出示證件)
愛心票:每張 50 元(身心障礙人士及陪同者 1 名購票 5 折優待,入場時應出示身心障礙手冊,陪同者與身障者需同時入場)
◎影展期間可於 SBC 星橋國際影城、統領威秀影城、中壢光影電影館之「影展服務台」購票。
◎影展現場服務時間為每日首場開演前 30 分鐘起,至末場開演後 20 分鐘止。
◎敬老/愛心票僅供 65 歲以上年長者或持身心障礙身份手冊者與乙名必要陪同者購買,入場時請出示相關證明,否則須補全票差額。
◎以上票種僅適用 2024 第 11 屆桃園電影節期間,於 SBC 星橋國際影城、統領威秀影城、中壢光影電影館之放映場次。
退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前3日辦理,逾期恕不受理。例:8/16(五)映演的場次,最遲於 8/13(二)完成退票手續。