
Taiwan Short Film Competition - Experimental "Boys"

類別: 電影
社團法人台灣國際影音與教育協會 06-2087857


《雙面曹里歐》LEO & NYMPHIA

潘信安 Pan Hsin An|台灣 Taiwan|2022|DCP|Color|27 mins



11 歲擔任大愛電視台兒童節目主持人,開始走進影像工作者的世界。從小熱愛各種志工服務,建立我創作的價值觀,大學期間創立 Taloan 社會行銷影像工作室,希望透過影像的力量發揮善的影響力。原本以為拍攝影片是在幫助這些人與事被看見,但拍著拍著卻發現,每部片都像是一趟追尋的旅程,透過這些人的故事,最終是看見自己的生命課題,就此著迷於紀錄片的文體。

The film focuses on Cao Liou, a 25-year-old drag queen. The explosive creative energy he delivers is stunning, but at the same time, he also displays his egotistical nature and wanton lifestyle. Director Pan Hsin An is the same age as Liou. He peeps into Liou’s life through a camera lens, questioning and exploring. During the filming process, the two often fail to understand each other, and each has his doubts about the other. But in the end, at opposite ends of the scale, they find the same desires behind huge differences.

about the Director:

At age 11, I hosted a children’s program for Da Ai TV, my entry into the world of video. Since childhood, I’ve always loved volunteer work, the basis of my creative values. At university, I founded the Taloan Society Marketing Video Workshop, seeking to exert a good influence through the power of positive imagery. Initially, I thought films would help call attention to people and things, but the more I filmed, I found that every film is like a journey of pursuit. I finally found my life calling through these people's stories and fell in love with the documentary form.


雷利 Erich Rettstadt|台灣、美國 Taiwan, USA|2021|DCP|Color|10 mins

從前從前,有個寂寞的男孩名叫 Jojo,他與周遭的世界格格不入,直到有一天,充滿魔力的桶妝仙女送了瓦斯到他家,並從此改變了他的命運⋯⋯

充滿魔幻魅力的桶妝仙女不僅送瓦斯的方式獨一無二,個性潑辣且極具自信,總是足蹬高跟鞋, 神采飛揚。另一方面,從小對舞蹈與扮裝懷抱夢想的 10 歲孩子 Jojo,不但在學校被同學排擠,單親媽媽也不瞭解他。與桶妝仙女的結識讓 Jojo 受到鼓舞,努力地活出自己的一片天。這部音樂電影提醒我們,一如桶妝仙女與 Jojo,人人都要勇於擁抱最真實的自我!


雷利是一位美國籍酷兒編導,他的作品強調社會包容性且具逃離現實的魔幻色彩。他畢業於紐約大學蒂施藝術學院與南加大電影學院。2022 年,他的電影《桶妝仙女》在美國⻄南偏南影展首 映,並於全球三十多個電影節屢屢獲獎。雷利目前與先生定居於台北,他們致力於創作與《桶妝仙女》同系列的短篇影集。

Erich Rettstadt is a queer American filmmaker and theater artist whose work emphasizes inclusivity and escapism. He graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. Tank Fairy premiered at SXSW 2022 (Audience Award) and is an Official Selection at more than thirty-five festivals across twelve countries, including Frameline (Best Narrative Short), Seattle (Special Jury Prize), Sydney, Outfest, Fantasia and Kaohsiung Film Festivals. Erich currently resides in Taipei with his partner Tai; together, they are working to develop Tank Fairy into a half-hour anthology series.

about the Director

Once upon a time, the magical TANK FAIRY delivered tanks of gas (with plenty of sass) to the home of young Jojo, a lonely dreamer in need of a glittery godmother….

The magical Tank Fairy delivers gas tanks unlike any other–with sass, stilettos and a healthy helping of glitter. Her arrival upends the life of Jojo, a lonely ten-year-old who dreams of dancing and drag. Outcast by classmates and misunderstood by his stern, single mom, Jojo is inspired to live out loud by his fierce, propane-toting fairy godmother. TANK FAIRY is a musical extravaganza that encourages us all to embrace our authentic selves.


葉家辰 Yeh Chia Chen|台灣 Taiwan|2021|DCP|Color|43 mins

筆名未泯的羅義皇,與現任男友同居,在城市中工作、生活與創作。他笑稱每次回老家都要「設計自己的逃亡路線」,身上有 37 把鑰匙,方向感不好的他,有時連回家都會迷路。未泯在二次入獄時拿了一座林榮三文學獎,但並不是每把鑰匙都能開啟正確的門。在未泯身上,「未泯」的又是什麼?本片以鏡頭忠實紀錄下作家羅義皇生命中的迷茫、甜蜜與和解。


國立台灣藝術大學電影研究所。作品曾入選 IFVA 香港獨立短片及影像媒體節,以《未泯》獲金穗獎評審團特別獎、新北學生影像新星獎不分類首獎,並入圍台灣國際紀錄片影展、台灣國際女性影展台灣競賽,入選台北電影節觀摩。

He has tattoos. He writes poems. He paints. He has done a few dirty jobs. When hewas in prison for the second time, he received a literary award. With a poor sense of

direction, he jokes that he needs to "design an escape route" everytime he goes back to his hometown. Carrying 37 keys, he seems to have no idea where life is leading him to. He is always looking for work, friends and love, but gets lost again and again.

about the Director:

Yeh Chia Chen based in Taipei, currently studying MFA in the Department of Motion Picture of NTUA. Her works have won the Special Jury Prize of 44th Golden Harvest Awards, and have screened in Taiwan International Documentary Festival, Taipei Film Festival, Women Make Waves Film Festival Taiwan, The ifva Awards, etc.


早鳥單張票:210(8/25 23:59前購票)















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