The concert starts with Sergei RACHMANINOFF's Vocalise. The weeping and cantabile melody is played expressively among the various instrument sections. Next, RACHMANINOFF's Piano Concerto No. 4 in g minor will be played by pianist Stephen HOUGH, who has performed in Taiwan many times and impressed Taiwanese fans. RACHMANINOFF spent more than a decade revising this work, and it is rarely performed. You shouldn't miss this great opportunity to hear it. In the second half, Shao-chia LÜ, the Conductor Emeritus of the National Symphony Orchestra, will lead the orchestra, presenting Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH's Symphony No. 8. This epic masterpiece was completed during World War II. It is tragic and full of dramatic tension, leading the audience through the dark valley, gradually revealing the dawn, and later turning sublime. Through these two great Russian giants, we will hear the different sounds of Russian classics.
S. RACHMANINOFF: Vocalise, Op. 34
S. RACHMANINOFF: Piano Concerto No. 4 in g minor, Op. 40
D. SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 8 in c minor, Op. 65
Conductor: Shao-chia LÜ
Piano: Stephen HOUGH
National Symphony Orchestra
旅居德國期間先後擔任柏林喜歌劇院首席駐團指揮(1995-1998)、德國柯布倫茲市立歌劇院音樂總監(1998-2001)、德國國家萊茵愛樂交響樂團音樂總監(1998-2004)、德國漢諾威國家歌劇院音樂總監(2001-2006),並於2004年5月獲文化部長頒贈象徵該省文化最高榮譽的Peter CORNELIUS獎章,以及2022年獲第41屆行政院文化獎。
Conductor|Shao-chia LÜ
Taiwan-born conductor LÜ studied music in Taipei, later at the Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, and also at Vienna's College of Music. His training resulted in important first prizes at three renowned international conductor competitions: Besancon (France), Pedrotti (Italy) and Kondrashin (the Netherlands).
LÜ accepted positions as General Music Director of the Koblenz Theatre (1998-2001),the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz (1998-2004), and the Staatsoper Hannover (2001- 2006). He has also been Chief Conductor of the South Denmark Philharmonic from 2014 to 2017.
LÜ appears regularly as guest conductor at several world-renowned opera houses, including Deutsche Oper Berlin, English National Opera, Opera Australia and More. Alongside his opera activities, LÜ is equally at home on concert podiums. LÜ has worked repeatedly with many leading European orchestras, such as the Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, Münchner Philharmoniker, the Oslo Philharmonic and more. In Asia, LÜ has worked with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, NHK, Seoul Philharmonic and more.
LÜ was Music Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic (the National Symphony Orchestra) from 2010 to 2020, and has been honored with the title Conductor Emeritus in 2021. He has also held the Distinguished Chair Professor at Taipei National University of the Arts since September 2020.
史蒂芬.賀夫被《經濟學人》評為二十位在世博學家之一,結合了傑出的鋼琴家生涯與作曲家及作家,他成為第一位獲得麥克阿瑟獎學金的古典演奏家,在 2014 年的新年榮譽中被授予大英帝國勳章(CBE),並在 2022年的女王生日榮譽中被授予音樂服務騎士勳章。
賀夫收錄了大約七十張CD,大量唱片獲得了國際獎項,包括年度金音叉獎、多項葛萊美提名以及包括年度唱片和金唱片在內的八項留聲機獎。作為作曲家,賀夫的單曲Songs of Love and Loss由威格莫爾音樂廳、紐約第92街Y和蒙大拿州的Tippet Rise藝術中心共同委託,於2023年1月全球首演。
Piano|Stephen HOUGH
Named by The Economist as one of Twenty Living Polymaths, Sir Stephen HOUGH combines a distin-guished career as a pianist with those of composer and writer. He was the first classical performer to be awarded a MACARTHUR Fellowship, was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the New Year Honours 2014, and was awarded a Knighthood for
Services to Music in the Queen’s Birth-day Honours 2022.
In the 2022/23 season HOUGH performs over 90 concerts across five continents. Concerto highlights include returns to the Concertgebouworkest, Detroit, Cincinnati and Washington’s National symphony orchestras, BBC Symphony and Philharmonia orchestras, and the National Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan.
HOUGH’s extensive discography of around 70 CDs has garnered international awards including the Diapason d’Or de l’Année, several Grammy nominations, and eight Gramophone Awards including Record of the Year and the Gold Disc. As a composer,
HOUGH’s song cycle Songs of Love and Loss, co-commissioned by Wigmore Hall, The 92nd Street Y, New York, and Tippet Rise in Montana, receives its world premiere in January 2023.
HOUGH is an Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple, an Honorary Member of the Royal Philharmonic Society, a Visiting Fellow at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, a Visiting Professor at the Royal Academy of Music, the International Chair of Piano Studies at the Royal Northern College of Music (of which he was made a Companion in 2019), and is on the faculty of The Juilliard School in New York.
國家交響樂團(NSO)的前身「聯合實驗管絃樂團」成立於1986年,以打造頂尖交響樂團為目標;2014年4月改隸國家表演藝術中心,以「臺灣愛樂」立足國際。經過三十多年耕耘,NSO 參與交響樂、室內樂、歌劇、舞蹈、跨界製作。樂團在歷任音樂總監張大勝、林望傑、簡文彬、呂紹嘉共同悉心呵護下成長,以專業、開放、勇於創新的職業樂團為發展核心,現已成為亞洲地區最具指標性的樂團。2021年8月,德國指揮家準・馬寇爾(Jun MÄRKL)接任NSO藝術顧問,2022年1月起擔任音樂總監,期望以樂團獨特的聲音擔任臺灣的文化大使,向全世界表達特有的身份和情感。
Taiwan Philharmonic, the National Symphony Orchestra
Founded in 1986, the Taiwan Philharmonic, also known as the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) at home, has been hailed as one of the best orchestras in Asia. Under the leadership of music director Jun MÄRKL since January 2022, the NSO aspires to resonate throughout the world as the cultural ambassador of Taiwan. As the orchestra affiliated with the National Performing Arts Center, the NSO performs throughout Taiwan, but also tours regularly overseas, having performed in such musical centers as Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Tokyo, and Los Angeles. The NSO works regularly with internationally acclaimed conductors and soloists like Lorin MAAZEL, Luciano PAVAROTTI, Mirella FREN, and Mstislav ROSTROPOVICH. The orchestra’s extensive and varied activities include chamber music, work with dance companies, opera productions, and events at nursing homes, mountain villages, and underprivileged communities.
l 衛武營無限卡、生活卡、青年卡、英雄卡會員優先購票75折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折。
l 衛武營無限卡、生活卡、青年卡、英雄卡會員早鳥75折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折。
l英雄卡本人及其親友(限1人)購票享5折。(入場需提供英雄卡驗證,親友需與英雄卡本人同時入場) ,300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 青年卡本人75折(入場需提供青年卡驗證)。※每場節目限購一次
l敬老票:65歲以上長者購票5折(需憑證入場) 。
l 生活卡9折。
l 青年卡本人75折(入場需提供青年卡驗證)。※每場節目限購一次。青年卡加購9折。
l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折,加購9折。
l 英雄卡本人及其親友(限1人)5折。(入場需提供英雄卡驗證,親友需與英雄卡本人同時入場) ,300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 刷中國信託、台新、富邦、玉山銀行、兆豐國際商業銀行、國泰世華銀行95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 兩廳院之友9折。
l 臺中歌劇院會員9折。
l NSO之友9折。
l 誠品會員95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 高美館會員購票95折(請輸入代碼)。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 憑高雄福華飯店住房優惠代碼購票95折(請輸入代碼)。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 憑晶英行館&雲垂會員代碼購票95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 憑LA ONE會員優惠碼購票享95折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 身心障礙人士及其必要陪同者(限1人)5折(入場時請出示身心障礙手冊)。
l 敬老票:65歲以上長者購票5折(需憑證入場)。
單筆訂單同場次20 張(含)以上 85 折, 40 張(含)以上 8 折 ,60 張(含)以上 75 折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃一退一買,或請聯繫 OPENTIX 客服中心02-3393-9888 洽詢。
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