而同樣聚焦木管樂器,希爾伯格的《孔雀傳說》則將單簧管的多聲區、善於大跳與滑音等特性展露無遺。此曲最早是為單簧管名家佛洛斯特(M. FRÖST)量身打造,後來在2004年作曲家修改成千禧年版,讓整體更精練。獨奏者依然會在吹奏時搭配舞蹈、走位等肢體表現,完成令人難忘的「總體藝術」(Gesamtkunstwerk)。
After RAVEL completed the solo piano suite, Le Tombeau de Couperin, in 1917, he selected four of the movements and arranged them for the orchestra in 1919, refreshing their audience appeal. As a superb orchestration magician, RAVEL utilized the diverse sounds of woodwinds, plus the perfectly matched strings, to create a splendid but quaint tone painting that echoes the musical aesthetics of COUPERIN, whose name is embedded in the title of the work.
Also featuring the woodwinds, Anders HILLBORG's Peacock Tales showcases the clarinet's multi-voice range, efficient large interval jumping, and portamento. This piece was originally tailored for the famous clarinetist Martin FRÖST, and later in 2004, the composer revised and refined it into a millennium version. The soloist will still perform with body movements such as dancing and walking, completing an unforgettable "Gesamtkunstwerk"(universal artwork). The second half of the program will be Jean SIBELIUS's Violin Concerto. Although strings are the protagonist in this work, the composer puts deep thought into the rest of the orchestration. Just like his masterpiece Symphony No. 2, SIBELIUS's style had gradually shed the Russian influence by this time; instead, the music is imbued with a Finnish flavor: it evokes the natural scenery of forest and lake, forming the unique sound of SIBELIUS.
M. RAVEL:Le Tombeau de Couperin
Anders HILLBORG: Peacock Tales for Clarinet and Orchestra (Millennium version)
J. SIBELIUS: Violin Concerto in d minor, Op. 47
Conductor|CHIEN Wen-pin
Clarinet|Magnus HOLMANDER
Violin| William WEI
Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra
Partner|Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival
衛武營國家藝術文化中心藝術總監。簡文彬1967年生,國立藝專(今國立臺灣藝術大學)鍵盤組畢業,維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學指揮碩士學位。1996年起擔任德國萊茵歌劇院(Deutsche Oper am Rhein)駐院指揮長達22年;1998-2004年為日本太平洋音樂節(Pacific Music Festival)駐節指揮;2001-2007年為國家交響樂團(NSO)音樂總監,在其任內推動「定期音樂會系列」、國人作品委託創作及錄製、「歌劇系列」等創舉,並在2006年樂團20週年時推出華語地區首次自製之華格納《尼貝龍指環》四部曲;2014-2016擔任國立臺灣交響樂團藝術顧問,並於2014年9月獲頒第18屆國家文藝獎。
Conductor|CHIEN Wen-pin
CHIEN Wen-pin, General and Artistic Director of the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), was born in 1967, graduated from the National Taiwan Academy of Arts and awarded a Master's degree at the National University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna. CHIEN joined the Deutsche Oper am Rhein (Düsseldorf/Duisburg, Germany) in 1996 and served as “Kapellmeister” for 22 years. 1998-2004 he was Resident Conductor of the Pacific Music Festival (Sapporo, Japan). 2001-2007 he was Music Director of National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan Philharmonic); during his tenure the orchestra has achieved several milestones such as creating Subscription series, commissioning Taiwanese composers, introducing an opera series which coroneted with the first production of the complete “Der Ring des Nibelungen” by Richard Wagner in Chinese speaking areas, upon orchestra’s 20th anniversary in 2006. 2014-2016 CHIEN was Artistic Advisor of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. In addition, CHIEN was winner of the “National Award for Arts” in 2014.
由於霍爾曼德橫跨音樂家、藝術家與魔術師的多重身份,也促使多位瑞典作曲家與他合作,包含了安德莉雅.塔羅第(Andrea Tarrodi)、雅各布.穆赫爾拉德(Jacob Mülhrad)以及安德拉斯.希爾博格( Anders Hillborg)⋯⋯等;而他的演奏足跡已遍及包含阿姆斯特丹音樂廳、維也納金色大廳、倫敦的皇家節慶音樂廳、德國漢堡的易北愛樂廳、巴黎愛樂廳⋯⋯等多個歐洲重要的音樂廳,並曾與多個國際知名樂團攜手演出。他曾獲選2019年歐洲音樂廳聯盟「明日之星」,同年也被 Opus 雜誌評選為瑞典 20 位最具影響力的音樂家之一。
霍爾曼德師從斯德哥爾摩皇家愛樂管絃樂團單簧管首席赫爾曼.史蒂芬生(Hermann Stefánsson)與單簧管名家埃米爾.喬納森(Emil Jonason),並先後於斯德哥爾摩皇家音樂學院取得學士與碩士學位。
Clarinet|Magnus HOLMANDER
He is the musician who can make a music stand levitate and a clarinet to literally vanish right
in front of your eyes. Magnus has, through his unique combination of music and magic,
created his very own niche in the world of classical music. His career took off when Swedish
superstar Martin Fröst, 2013, invited Magnus to participate as a clarinetist, dancer and
magician in the show Dollhouse, which was performed at a number of concert halls around
the Nordic region.
Magnus Holmander’s experimental curiosity, both as a musician, artist and magician, has
inspired many Swedish composers to write music dedicated to him, including Andrea
Tarrodi, Jacob Mülhrad, Benjamin Staern, Molly Kien, Klara Stirner and Ylva Fred. Magnus
has also collaborated with many composers such as Rolf Martinsson and Anders Hillborg.
Magnus Holmander has already performed in several of the largest concert halls in Europe
such as Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Musikverein Vienna, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg,
Royal Festival Hall London, Cité de la Musique Paris, Kölner Philharmonie Cologne, Palau
de la Musica Barcelona, Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, BOZAR Brussels, Auditorium Milano
and Müpa Budapest to name but a few. In 2019 he was honoured with a Rising Star
2019-2020 Award by the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO) and the same year he
was mentioned in the magazine Opus as one of the 20 most influential musicians in
Magnus did his bachelor and master studies at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm
studying for Hermann Stefánsson and Emil Jonason.
魏靖儀1994年生於臺灣臺南,先後師事鍾佳妙、許恕藍、吳孟平與陳鈺雯;亦曾於大師班接受胡乃元大師指導。16歲的魏靖儀遠赴茱莉亞音樂院就讀,爾後獲得學校Jerome L. Greene基金會獎學金以及奇美基金會藝術獎學金,師事Hyo KANG及I-Hao LEE教授。目前於德國柏林Hanns Eisler 藝術學院,師從前柏林愛樂首席Kolja BLACHER門下。2021四月底,臺北市立交響樂團合作的音樂會,因緊急狀況,當下短短兩日內緊急代打演出柴可夫斯基小提琴協奏曲,成功完美的演出之後深獲樂界好評。也受到指揮Eliahu INBAL青睞,在同年11月三度合作貝多芬小提琴協奏曲。作為炙手可熱的小提琴家,亦受邀在多個音樂節與音樂廳演出,甫於2018年獲得Salon de Virtuosi 藝術事業獎,魏靖儀在音樂上的成就更受到著名的《紐約時報》以及Robert SHERMAN 讚賞,後者邀請魏靖儀在美國電臺WQXR節目上演出。目前使用由奇美基金會贊助提供的1761年Balestrieri名琴。
Violin|William WEI
Born in Taiwan, William began his violin studies at the age of five. He is a proud recipient of the Jerome L. Greene Foundation Scholarship at the Juilliard School, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree under Hyo KANG. He is currently pursuing his Master’s degree at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns EISLER in Berlin under Kolja BLACHER, former concertmaster of the Berlin Philharmonic. William’s recent highlights have included concert series, stepping in for violinist Shlomo MINTZ in Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D Major with Eliahu INBAL. NSO with HU Nai-yuan and Ray CHEN, and Baden-Baden Philharmonic with Pavel BALEFF. William plays on a 1761 Tomasso BALESTRIERI loaned from the Chimei Foundation in Taiwan.
l 衛武營無限卡、生活卡、青年卡、英雄卡會員優先購票75折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折。
l 衛武營無限卡、生活卡、青年卡、英雄卡會員早鳥75折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 一般觀眾早鳥8折。300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折。
l 英雄卡本人及其親友(限1人)購票享5折。(入場需提供英雄卡驗證,親友需與英雄卡本人同時入場) ,300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
l 青年卡本人75折(入場需提供青年卡驗證)。※每場節目限購一次
l 敬老票:65歲以上長者購票5折(需憑證入場) 。
l 身心障礙人士及其必要陪同者(限1人),享5折(入場時請出示身心障礙手冊)。
l 生活卡9折。
l 青年卡本人75折(入場需提供青年卡驗證)。※每場節目限購一次。青年卡加購9折。
l 無限卡卡友每檔節目限購一張7折,加購9折。
l 英雄卡本人及其親友(限1人)5折。(入場需提供英雄卡驗證,親友需與英雄卡本人同時入場) ,300元(含)以下票級不折扣。
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l 敬老票:65歲以上長者購票5折(需憑證入場)。
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