徐小明 HSU Hsiao-ming|臺灣 Taiwan|1992|DCP|Color|111min
2023 白晝之夜特別放映 Special screening: Nuit Blanche Taipei
1992 多倫多影展國際影評人獎 Prix FIPRESCI, Toronto IFF
1992 金馬獎最佳錄音獎 Best Sound, Golden Horse Awards
The heroes are two seventeen-year-old boys from the town of Beigang, whose youthful recklessness is like a gun, heavy with a potential for violence. And they and their companions are like bullets, releasing their pent-up energy in short, staccato bursts of random fighting and petty vandalization. But these acts of rebellion never quite amount to much and, like the amphetamines they make a habit of simply seem to provide a release from their aimless existence.
◎ 該場次開演前一小時可至現場櫃檯免費索票,每人限索兩張,數量有限,索完為止。
※ 如遇11:30前的場次,則於開演前半小時開放索票。
TFAI Picks: Hsi Shih: Beauty of Beauties (Restored), Nuit Blanche Taipei: Dust of angels
◎ Free tickets available on request at the Info Desk one hour before the screening. 2 tickets maximum per person. Available on a first come first serve basis.
※ 30 minutes prior for all screenings before 11:30 am.