
2024 TAF: Embodying Pasolini

類別: 戲劇


演出團隊進場後,評估部分座位視線可讓觀眾保持觀賞體驗,故決議加開席次,將於8/22(四) 16:00啟售


★時尚策展人攜手人間精靈 展現電影服裝的極致孤立


舞台上,蒂妲・史雲頓(Tilda Swinton)如一張白紙,從封好的紙箱中拿出電影服裝,循著服裝的主體、配件,一件件穿上。她行走,展示,不帶任何情緒,讓封存在膠卷中的電影服裝再次鮮活立體。


擅長改編文學作品的義大利傳奇電影導演帕索里尼(Pier Paolo Pasolini),長期與服裝設計師達尼洛‧杜納蒂(Danilo Donati)合作,以貧窮藝術(Arte Povera)的製作方式,取日常厚重的布料設計角色服裝,莊嚴低調,讓服裝在不喧賓奪主的前提下,在電影中有了自己的隱喻。從《馬太福音》(The Gospel According to St. Matthew)、《一千零一夜》(Arabian Nights)到備受爭議的《索多瑪的120天》(Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom)表演回顧了這些因電影下檔而封箱的服裝檔案,展現它們被發現、整理,到再次被穿上的過程,讓這些生命短暫的藝術,有了再次面世的機會。









1967年出生於法國,2010年起擔任巴黎時尚博物館館長(Palais Galliera, Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris)至2018年初。8年間策劃多檔時尚主題展,與重要的設計大師回顧展,奠定其時尚主題策展人的重要地位。過去亦曾任職於馬賽時尚博物館(Musée de la Mode de Marseille)、巴黎裝飾藝術博物館(Musée des Arts Décoratifs);也曾於布爾德博物館(Musée Bordelle)與倫敦 V&A 博物館(Victoria & Albert Museum)策畫過展覽。













視覺設計|方序中 @究方社



  • 演員進入角色的儀式—談電影《索多瑪120天》的服裝造型設計 —— 黃文英 ⮕ 報名去
  • 悖德與異端:帕索里尼的電影美學 —— 楊元鈴 ⮕ 報名去
  • 從平行到交集,從影展到現在:蒂妲絲雲頓、帕索里尼與台灣 —— 聞天祥  ⮕ 報名去
  • 神話及其挑釁──帕索里尼的劇場實踐 —— 鴻鴻  ⮕ 報名去

Swinton unpacked the raiment of films past like so many treasures salvaged from oblivion - VOGUE


Saillard once again delivers a perfect performance, which allows “this assembly of inert bodies” to live again, and better - TOUTE LA CULTURE


"Cinema artefacts have this one fantasy moment, and that’s it" - Tilda Swinton


An original performance created by French fashion and art historian Olivier Saillard and the iconic, multi-award-winning British actor, Tilda Swinton, Embodying Pasolini brings together a wide selection of costumes from the films of Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini, live, for the very first time.


Designed by Danilo Donati and prepared by the Farani workshop, outfits from The Gospel According to St. Matthew, Oedipus Rex, A Thousand and One Nights and Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom prove Pasolini and Donati's abundant and long-term collaboration. This performance retraces the process of how the pieces were discovered, identified, and assessed until they were brought onto the stage and worn again, which was originally prohibited.


As if being a silent mannequin captive to its memory, Swinton tries on nearly thirty costumes, dresses, coats, and hats. They make a brief appearance for a daring try-on session, with audience members as witnesses. Captured herself in fabrics, Swinton doesn’t represent the correspondent characters. Instead, her role is precisely the lack of a role. Her presence sheds light on how the now explicitly orphaned costumes are separated from the body, the actors and the films, situated in their soulful and truthful existence.


Olivier Saillard, FR

Olivier Saillard is a graduate in art history. In 1995, he was appointed director of the Marseille Fashion Museum; in 2000, he became responsible for the "Fashion" exhibition programming at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, and in 2010, director of the Palais Galliera, the City of Paris Fashion Museum. Since 2017, he has been the director of the Alaïa Foundation and the artistic director for image and culture at J.M. Weston (since 2018). He has authored several works, including "An Ideal History of Contemporary Fashion" (Textuel, 2009), "The Fashion Book" at Robert Laffont (2019), and major exhibitions such as "Yohji Yamamoto: Just Clothes," "Christian Lacroix: A History of Clothes" at the Arts Décoratifs; "Azzedine Alaïa," "Jeanne Lanvin" at the Palais Galliera; "Madame Grès: Couture at Work," "Balenciaga: The Work in Black" at the Bourdelle Museum, and most recently, "The Ephemeral Fashion Museum" at the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. In 2005, Olivier Saillard was a recipient of the Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto. Since then, he has been conducting a poetic reflection presented in the form of performances. The Impossible Wardrobe, Eternity Dress, and Cloakroom, and recently Embodying Pasolini with Tilda Swinton at the Festival d'Automne in Paris; Sur-Exposition with Charlotte Rampling, Couture Essentielle…, nearly thirty performances have thus been initiated over 20 years... In 2018, he founded "Moda Povera," a project dedicated to poetic, performative, and pedagogical clothing creation, based on the transformation of ordinary and modest clothes magnified by haute couture knowledge and techniques.


Tilda Swinton, UK

Tilda Swinton, known for her collaborations with directors like Derek Jarman and Jim Jarmusch, gained acclaim for roles in Orlando and Michael Clayton, winning BAFTA and Academy Awards. She's worked with diverse filmmakers including Pedro Almodóvar, Wes Anderson, and Bong Joon Ho. In 2020, she received a BFI Fellowship and a Leon d’Oro at the Venice Film Festival. Her recent projects include Three Thousand Years Of Longing, Asteroid City, and The Eternal Daughter. Swinton, a mother of twins, resides in the Scottish Highlands.


Olivier Saillard and Tilda Swinton:

  • The Impossible Wardrobe (2012)
  • Eternity Dress (2023)
  • Cloakroom – Mandatory Coatroom (2014)
  • Sur-exposition (also with Charlotte Rampling, 2016)
  • Embodying Pasolini (2022)


Credit List

Created and interpreted by Olivier Saillard and Tilda Swinton

Artistic collaboration: Gaël Mamine, Gaspard de Massé, Zoé Guedard

Costumes: Danilo Donati a Farani workshops, directed by Luigi Picolo

Wooden shapes: Pieroni workshops, directed by Massimo Pieroni

Produced by Aymar Crosnier - Studio Olivier Saillard

Co-produced by Zetema Progetto Cultura, Roma and Azienda.

With the support of the Ateliers Farani – Luigi Piccolo for the costumes and the Laboratorio Pieroni.

The Studio Olivier Saillard warmly thanks Clara Tosi Pamphili.


Graphic Design: Joe Fang @JOEFANGSTUDIO


Made by Ruediger Glatz:
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ruedigerglatz/



2024.7.17(三)中午12:00──7.24(三)11:59 付費會員預購




2024.7.24 (三)中午12:00正式啟售





2024.7.24 (三)中午12:00




2024.7.24 (三) 中午12:00起





1. 單場單筆訂單 20  張(含)以上 8 折

2. 單場單筆訂單 50  張(含)以上 75 折

3. 單場單筆訂單 100 張(含)以上 7 折



1. 身心障礙人士及其必要陪同者(限1人)享5折,入場時應出示身心障礙手冊,陪同者與身障者需同時入場。

2. 年滿65歲以上長者購票5折,入場時請出示有效證件。


※ 主辦單位保留節目異動權及折扣解釋權


凡購買臺北藝術節票券,於 07/30(二) 起可持票券至臺北表演藝術中心服務台(每週一休館)兌換「2024臺北藝術節精裝手冊」一本,每人限領一份,限量300本,數量有限,兌完為止。

Discount Information

More about Taipei Performing Arts Center Membershiphttps://tpacplayer.org/DlYyH

 Taipei Performing Arts Center Membership Discounts:


Member Pre-sale Period: July 17th 12:00PM until July 24th 12:00PM


Frequent Attenders (“Addicted Players”) ── 25% discount. Earn a 50%-off coupon after purchasing tickets to three separate performances. The coupon will be available  after the third performance on your membership account on the TPAC website.

Large Groups (“Tropper Players”) ── 15% discount. Discount increases to 20% for orders of 4-9 tickets (same performance time) and to 25% for orders of 10 or more tickets (same performance time).


Ticket Sales Start Date: July 24th 12:00PM


Frequent Attenders (“Addict Players”) ── 15% discount. Earn a 50%-off coupon after purchasing tickets to three separate performances. The coupon will be available on your membership account on the TPAC website after June 3rd.

Large Groups (“Tropper Players”) ── 15% discount. Discount increases to 25% for orders of 4-9 tickets (same performance time) and to 30% for orders of 10 or more tickets (same performance time).

Basic (“Rookie Players”) ── 10% discount. Register for free on TPAC website to enjoy ticket discounts.


* Coupons can be used starting June 3rd 12:00 PM. Valid only for performances hosted by the Taipei Performing Arts Center during the 2024 Taipei Arts Festival (TAF). Cannot be combined with other offers.


Ticket Package Discounts: July 24th 12:00PM


Taipei Arts Festival TIME Ticket Package: Enjoy a 15% discount on tickets priced NT$600 or more for shows of three different performers, and receive a scented candle** ("The Artist's Time Whispers").

** Present tickets at the Service Desk to receive candle. One candle per customer. Availability limited to 250 candles.


Partner Benefits:

・Eslite Members: 8% off ticket purchase.

・Yushan Bank, Fubon Bank, Taishin Bank credit card holders: 8% off ticket purchase (must purchase with CC)


Larger Group Ticket Discounts:

・20 or more tickets for a single performance time: 20% off.

・50 or more tickets for a single performance time: 25% off.

・100 or more tickets for a single performance time: 30% off.



Other Discounts:

Disabled individual and assisting companion (limited to 1 person) can enjoy a 50% discount (must present official disability certificate at time of entry).

Senior citizens aged 65 and above can enjoy 50% discount (must present valid identification at time of entry).


*** TPAC reserves the right to change the performance details and discounts at any time. ***


Other Discount:


Anyone who purchases TAF tickets can receive a copy of the "2024 Taipei Arts Festival Hardcover Booklet" at the TPAC customer service desk after July 30th. One booklet per customer. Limited to 300 copies.




Ticket Purchase Methods:


Tickets available for purchase at OPENTIX Cultural Life and all authorized ticket offices. TPAC recommends purchasing tickets online (OPENTIX Cultural Life website: www.opentix.life) in order to receive real-time event updates.

Authorized ticket offices include "FamilyMart FamiPort," "Hi-Life Life-ET," and "7-ELEVEN ibon" multimedia machines (computer-selected seating for performances only).









  1. 以「信用卡、行動支付、文化幣全額支付」購票:
  2. 以「ATM轉帳、現金」購票:



  1. 臨櫃退票:請於服務時間內,至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處辦理。
  2. 郵寄退票:請將存摺影本(刷卡購票無須提供)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。退票郵寄前請記下票面之訂單編號,並請妥善保存掛號收據。


  • 如購票時使用文化幣或點數折抵,退票時,系統將退還折抵之全額文化幣,並於扣除退票手續費後,優先退還點數,再將剩餘款項退回。特別提醒,如退票時(含換、補票及因節目異動之退票),抵用之文化幣、點數已逾使用效期,OPENTIX將無法以任何形式進行返還、展延。

  • 【優惠組合退票】若購買兩個品項以上之優惠組合,退票須全數辦理退票,或退票後剩餘數量仍符合原優惠組合規則,方可辦理。

  • 【套票退票】套票退票需整套辦理,無法以單張票券申請退票,亦不接受換票。如購買不同場次票券,最遲需於所購買的首場演出日1日前(不含演出日)辦理,如套票另有規定者,請依套票頁面之注意事項為主。

※ 依據文化部「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第3點規定,本節目之主要表演人員或主要節目內容,於預定表演前發生變動時,本活動之退票機制、受理方式、退款途徑等資訊,將另行公告於本節目頁面。
