The Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, BRSO), based in Munich, Germany, shoulders multiple tasks such as broadcasting, recording, and premiering new compositions for competitions, unaffected by box office constraints due to its advantageous background. This has made the orchestra one of the most elite forces in the symphonic world. Not only do the members possess outstanding solo and ensemble abilities, but the orchestra can also instantly adapt to the interpretive styles of different conductors, creating entirely different sounds. After six years, the BRSO will finally return to Weiwuying with Sir Simon RATTLE, the former Chief Conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic and the London Symphony Orchestra. This time, they will present MAHLER's Symphony No. 7, which couldn't be performed during their last visit to Taiwan, fulfilling the wishes of Taiwanese music lovers. MAHLER's Symphony No. 7 is nicknamed the "Song of the Night" due to its two "Nachtmusik" (Night Music) movements. The former is inspired by Rembrandt's paintings, depicting distant bird calls, while the latter weaves the palpitations of budding love using rare instruments such as harps, guitar, and mandolin. From solemn marches to mysterious nocturnes, and then to brilliant finale, it is like a traveler's footsteps and the spiritual traces in the quiet night. Come exploring MAHLER's profound fantasy world together with the legendary BRSO and Sir Simon RATTLE in the Weiwuying Concert Hall!
G. MAHLER: Symphony No. 7 in e minor
Conductor|Sir Simon RATTLE
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
令人信服的領導魅力、具實驗精神與熱情,以及面對藝術的嚴謹態度——這些特質使得現年 69 歲、出身英國利物浦的賽門.拉圖爵士成為當代最具魅力的指揮家之一。
2010 年,拉圖首次指揮巴伐利亞廣播合唱團及交響樂團,演出舒曼的《天堂與仙子》,從此雙方展開密切合作,其演出一直是樂團的焦點節目。2021 年,拉圖與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團藉由簽約進一步鞏固深厚的合作關係,確立拉圖自 2023/24 樂季接任首席指揮,正式領導這支他從年輕時就深表欣賞的樂團。在他被正式任命之前,已透過演出展現了廣泛的曲目:從拉摩、巴赫、海頓、莫札特到當代音樂,涵蓋經典交響樂曲到歌劇等各類作品。
而在「歷史時代風格演譯」的標幟下,拉圖也在巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團樹立使用原始樂器演奏古樂的傳統。此外,他亦熱衷於音樂教育,不論是與樂團隸屬學院或巴伐利亞州立青少年管絃樂團的合作計畫,或是結合巴伐利亞傳統銅管音樂和交響樂團的「Symphonic Hoagascht」系列音樂會,都是他致力發展的項目。
拉圖迅速開展的職業生涯始於伯明罕市立交響樂團,在 1980 至1998 年間逐步帶領樂團走向世界。2002 至 2018 年間,他擔任柏林愛樂的首席指揮,2017 至 2023 年間則擔任倫敦交響樂團的音樂總監,現在並以榮譽指揮的身份與該樂團維持合作。此外,拉圖還是啟蒙時代管絃樂團的首席藝術家、捷克愛樂的首席客座指揮,並與維也納愛樂、柏林國家歌劇院管絃樂團、倫敦皇家歌劇院、柏林國家歌劇院、紐約大都會歌劇院,以及普羅旺斯艾克斯音樂節等保持長期合作。他在近期也率領馬勒室內樂團演出。
Conductor|Sir Simon RATTLE
Convincing charisma, great experimental spirit and enthusiasm, as well as an uncompromising artistic seriousness – all of this makes the Liverpool-native Simon RATTLE one of the most fascinating conducting personalities of our time.
In 2010, with SCHUMANN's Das Paradies und die Peri, Sir Simon RATTLE stood for the first time at the podium of the BR Chor and BRSO. Since then, an intensive collaboration has developed, and his performances in Munich have always been highlights. In 2021, Simon RATTLE and the BRSO solidified their deep mutual affection with the signing of a contract for Simon RATTLE to take on the position of Chief Conductor starting in the 2023/2024 season. Thus, the 69-year-old Briton with a German passport assumed the leadership of
the orchestra last September, an orchestra he has admired since his youth. As before his appointment, Simon RATTLE presents a broad repertoire: from RAMEAU, BACH, HAYDN, and MOZART to modern and contemporary music, from the classics of symphonic music to concertante opera.
Under the label "hip – historically informed performance," he has also established the playing of early music on original instruments at the BRSO. Additionally, Simon RATTLE is passionately dedicated to music education. Ambitious projects with the BRSO Academy or the Bavarian State Youth Orchestra are as much a priority for him as the "Symphonic Hoagascht," where he brings together brass ensembles from Bavaria with the BRSO.
Simon RATTLE's steep career began at the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Between 1980 and 1998, he led it to world renown. From 2002 to 2018 he was Chief Conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker, and from 2017 to 2023 Music Director of the London Symphony Orchestra, with which he will remain associated as Conductor Emeritus. Moreover, Simon RATTLE is the "Principal Artist" of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the First Guest Conductor of the Czech Philharmonic, and maintains long-standing relationships with other top orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonic or the Berlin Staatskapelle, and with renowned opera houses including the Royal Opera House in London, the Berlin State Opera, the New York Met, and the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence. A recent collaboration led him to the Mahler Chamber Orchestra.
Simon RATTLE has received numerous high honors. Among the CDs released with the BRSO, MAHLER's Ninth Symphony was awarded a Diapason d'or and a Gramophone Editor's Choice, while the Sixth Symphony received a Gramophone Editor's Choice and a Prize of the German Record Critics.
在 2024 年迎來樂團成立 75 週年的巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團,於 1949 年創團後迅速享譽國際。除了演繹古典浪漫曲目,透過 1945 年由作曲家哈特曼創立的「musica viva」講座及音樂會累積當代音樂演出,也是樂團至今的發展重點。在古典音樂權威網站 Bachtrack 邀請知名樂評家評選「全球最佳樂團」的排名中,巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團名列第三。
自 2023/24 樂季起,對藝術發展持高度開放態度的賽門.拉圖爵士,繼約夫姆、庫貝利克、戴維斯爵士、馬捷爾以及於 2019 年逝世的楊頌斯之後,成為巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團歷史上的第六位首席指揮。由樂團成立迄今,克萊伯父子、克倫培勒、伯恩斯坦、蕭提、朱里尼、桑德林以及沙瓦利許等知名指揮皆曾客座帶領樂團演出。而時至今日,聶澤–賽金、慕提、布隆斯泰特、魏瑟–莫斯特、哈丁以及費雪等當代指揮大師都是重要的合作夥伴。
巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團的巡迴足跡遍及歐洲、亞洲和美洲。2018 年與指揮梅塔的巡演,更獲日本樂評選為當年度最佳音樂會。樂團大量的錄音作品在海內外斬獲許多殊榮,包括在 2006 年榮獲葛萊美獎的肯定。近期在拉圖爵士率領下錄製的馬勒第九號交響曲,也在 2023 年獲頒法國金音叉獎。
Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
With the 2023/24 season, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra welcomed its new Principal Conductor: Sir Simon RATTLE. As the sixth Chief Conductor in the line of important orchestra leaders after Eugen JOCHUM, Rafael KUBELIK, Colin DAVIS, Lorin MAAZEL and Mariss JANSONS, who died on 1 December 2019, he is a conductor personality of great openness to new artistic paths.
The BRSO, which celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2024, developed into an internationally renowned orchestra soon after its founding in 1949. In addition to the interpretation of the classical-romantic repertoire, the orchestra's central concern from the beginning was to cultivate contemporary music within the framework of musica viva, founded by Karl Amadeus HARTMANN in 1945.
Since its beginnings, many renowned guest conductors such as Erich and Carlos KLEIBER, Otto KLEMPERER, Leonard BERNSTEIN, Georg SOLTI, Carlo Maria GIULINI, Kurt SANDERLING and Wolfgang SAWALLISCH have left their mark on the symphony orchestra.
Today, Yannick NÉZET-SÉGUIN, Riccardo MUTI, Herbert BLOMSTEDT, Franz WELSER-MÖST, Daniel HARDING and Iván FISCHER are important partners.
The orchestra tours regularly throughout Europe, Asia and North and South America. Japanese music critics voted the BRSO's concerts under the direction of Zubin MEHTA the No. 1 best concerts in 2018.
Its numerous CD recordings have repeatedly won national and international awards, such as the Grammy (2006). Most recently the recording of Gustav MAHLER's 9th Symphony under the baton of Sir Simon RATTLE was awarded the Diapason d'Or (2023).
In an orchestra ranking by "Bachtrack'" the world's leading website for classical music events for which internationally renowned music critics were asked about "The World's Greatest Orchestras," the BRSO came in third place.
Tour in Taiwan
Taipei|12/1-12/2 NationalConcert Hall
Taichung|12/4 National TaichungTheater Grand Theater
賽門.拉圖爵士與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團 節目冊預售
預購期間: 8/1(四)12:00起 - 8/31(六) 23:59止
網路預購價:每本NTD 180元(原價:NTD 200元)
8/1(四)12:00起 -8/15(四)12:00止,衛武營會員早鳥預購
8/8(四)12:00起 - 8/15(四)12:00止
|敬老票:65歲以上長者購票5折(需憑證入場) 。
|憑LA ONE會員優惠碼購票享95折。
|天下雜誌 韌性台灣活動優惠代碼購票95折。
單筆訂單購票同場次60 張(含)以上 75 折。
至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃一退一買,或請聯繫 OPENTIX 客服中心02-3393-9888 洽詢。
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