[Every Anime Every Motion All At Once]
2024 南方獎動畫類入圍作品,各式媒材技法,各種形式主題,打開你的多重奇想宇宙。奪得金馬獎最佳動畫短片的香港動畫《夏夢迴》,引領觀眾徘徊於潮濕的夢與香港記憶之間;多次揚威國內外影展的《鷺鷥河》描繪高雄城市的新生與濕地的衰落;《嗨爸》、《纏》不謀而合地以想像且抽象的符號來表達無聲的抗議,前者為兒子埋藏心裡多年的斷袖之情,後者則赤裸裸地抒發女性成長的壓力。來自泰國的《俊發》透過解構畫面與慢速重疊等技巧,挑戰觀眾既有的觀影經驗。《死囡仔》絲毫不帶批判的眼光,營造絢麗、殘碎且充滿速度感的兒童純粹暴力之世界;藝術家陳鏹以《疫情期間的落水狗》告訴觀眾幽默感是荒謬日常之良藥。共 7 部全補完計畫,感受年度華人動畫創作豐沛能量。
A complete animation nominations. It is a playground for animation fans. With various kinds of animation techniques, and genres like Sci-fi, comedy, experimental even camp. There is no doubt you can find your own cute and sensitivity characters here, and definitely you don't want to miss it.
鷺鷥河 The Egret River
劉琬琳 LIU Wan-Ling |臺灣 Taiwan|2022|動畫 Ani|彩色 Color|20 min|無對白 No Dialogue
Among the tall buildings in the city, a lonely guard hides a beautiful field that no one knows and meets an egret there. One day as the field is destroyed and the egret escapes, the guard begins to have mysterious illusions.
纏 Braided
張晨曦 ZHANG Chen-Xi|美國、中國 USA, China|2023|動畫Ani|彩色 Color|6 min|中文發音 Mandarin
Mom always braided my hair so tautly that it carved a distinct path atop my head. But one day, she cut off the carefully braided hair.
Along the path, I touched our unbreakable inner attachment, and the journey of female growth we were both unprepared to face.
疫情期間的落水狗 Drowning dogs during the COVID-19 pandemic
陳鏹 CHEN Qiang|中國 China|2023|動畫 Ani|彩色 Color|27 min| 四川話發音 Sichuan dialect
During the covid-19 pandemic, everyone was kept at home and quarantined, The Red Granny only played with her dog Miaomiao. One day, the dog was lost. It turned out that the authorities thought pets also carried the virus, so they organized dog hunting teams to catch stray dogs. They happened to meet the dog Miaomiao and captured it. The Red Granny decided to rescue miaomiao. On the way, they meet Huang Xiaomei, who also came to rescue the dogs. They rescued all the dogs together. But the city wouldn't let them go back, turned them away as carriers of the virus. So they drifted on to the fabled Island of Liberty, where there were no viruses or quarantines. Could they reach their destination after all this trouble?
俊發 The Announced Tragedy
RUJITANONT Thanut|泰國 Thailand|2023|動畫 Ani|彩色 + 黑白 Color , B&W|10 min|英語發音 English
A time-space conservation of a house.
夏夢迴 Mosoon Blue
黃曉傑、陳嘉言 WONG Hiu-Kit, CHAN Ka-Yin|香港 Hong Kong|2023|動畫 Ani|彩色 Color|14 min| 粵語發音 Cantonese
The dream of a goldfish to return into its wild form uproars her long-forgotten memories, and a self-conscious monsoon is about to be uninhibited.
死囡仔 Bad Kids
莊淯津 CHUANG Yu-Jin|臺灣 Taiwan|2023|動畫 Ani|彩色 Color|5 min| 臺語發音 Taiwanese
This film depicts my experiences and frustration when l were a teacher. The theme of the story is that three children joyfully swing a golf club to knock down the reflective road markers along the path. When the warning signs disappear one by one, who will lose their way in the darkness? It could be anyone living in the same space.
The film used plasterboards by pastel drawing and scratching for animation extensively, showcasing the pure joy and violence of children.
王偉帆 WANG Wei-Fan|臺灣 Taiwan|2024|動畫 Ani|彩色 Color|6 min|中文發音 Mandarin
I’ve practiced these words for 20 years now, but maybe being candid isn’t the best idea. At this moment, I decide to stop, starting the countdown again, another cycle of 20 years. Maybe it might be the right time by then.
【早鳥套票】一套 900 元,可兌換6張電影票券
【一般套票】一套 990 元,可兌換 6 張電影票券
10.14 (一)~11.06 (三) 於影展辦公室,或11.08 (五)~11.13 (三) 於影展現場服務台購買。
‣‣ 全場次:全票:200 元/張,優待票:100 元/張
・10.13 (日) 12:00 起於OPENTIX線上售票平台。
・10.14 (一)~11.06 (三) 於影展辦公室,或11.08 (五)~11.17 (日) 於影展現場服務台皆可購票。
1. 優待票購買適用高中(含)以下之學生、65 歲以上長者、身心障礙人士與一名必要陪同者(需同時人場)、台灣南方影像學會會員(需同時持有會員證和本人身份證)。
2. 須持相關有效證件,並由本人人場,否則將依規定補收差額。
1. 影展期間可於台南新光影城8樓影展服務台售票處購票。
2. 影展現場服務時間為每日該場地首場開演前 30 分鐘起至末場開演後 30 分鐘止。
3. 退、換票事宜請於演出前一日辦理,並需酌收票價10%手續費。
4. 以上票種僅適用2024南方影展期間(2024.11.08~2024.11.17)。
現場退票:10/14-11/06 (國定假日除外) 週一至週五 13:00-18:30至南方影展辦公室(台南市東區勝利路85 號2 樓C 室)辦理,11/08起,一般電影退票請至台南新光影城8樓影展售票處辦理;或至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處辦理。
郵寄退票:請將存摺影本(刷卡購票無須提供)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。退票郵寄前請記下票面之訂單編號,並請妥善保存掛號收據。
【STFF套票退票】套票退票需「整套」辦理,恕不接受「單張/單場」退票。最晚退票時間為11.13 (三) 23:59。如兌換成優惠券時即無法退票。