
2024 STFF Avant-garde Non-Stop Ⅱ

類別: 電影
社團法人台灣南方影像學會 (06)237-0091



[Every Anime Every Motion All At Once]


An experimental film adventure, here we present you all Experimental nominations of South Taiwan Film Competition. All the avant-garde stuff in your mind, and all those wildest vision you are not yet to have. A fim journey from analog to digital, from the transform of sound and image, from landscapes to memories.

巛- - - 谷 Teetering Graphite

劉行欣  LIU Hsing-Hsin, Cherlyn|美國 USA|2022|實驗 Exp|黑白 B&W|13 min|英語發音 English

河流在屏風般的風景中一頁頁斷開。在寫實與超現實的隙縫中,《巛- - - 谷》顫慄地描繪出一個生命宇宙的正在離散。


Broken landscapes like screen paintings from a long river. Teetering Graphite shudders in the crevices between document, surrealism, and ethereality, sketching a life-world that is disintegrating.

By overlapping positive and negative images, the film attempts to create a middle ground between the real and the unreal. If there is a gap in the connection between a person's memory and real life, the stray fragments of life may find a glimmer of hope in that middle ground.  Filmed along the Santa Clarita riverbed, disconnected language and dissonant landscapes gradually highlight a person's presence and disappearance. We watch images fade and memories degrade. The river of the universe comes from the vast void and returns to the vast void.

我記得.我記得 I Remember. I Remember

王耀億WANG Yao-Yi|臺灣 Taiwan|2023|實驗 Exp|彩色Color|32 min|中文發音 Mandarin


In the year before my birth (1986), a Taiwanese film "Dust in the Wind" was released. Following that, the new wave of Taiwanese cinema emerged in sync with the changing times. Although these events did not directly impact my sensory experiences, the life journey of the protagonist "A Yuan" from the film gradually intertwined with my own life, becoming inseparable from it."I Remember, I Remember" unfolds within a space metaphorically representative of a cinema, a nation, or a country. Through the medium of essay film, it delves into how a film constructs a social landscape through details. It explores how, within this space, the audience actively links their life experiences to it, enabling the film to recall nonexistent memories and construct an imaginative collective identity.

失去的部分 Lost a part of

陳巧真 CHAN Hau-Chun|香港 Hong Kong|2022|實驗 Exp|彩色 + 黑白 Color + B&W|31 min|粵語發音 Cantonese


Stagnation in the body cannot keep up with the changes in real life. While the memory of the trembling hand is constantly haunting, and the cavity is filled by artificial materials – if the body remembers, how should it respond with the years of traumatic past?  Three of us, describe the indescribable body changes and try picking up the hints and signs.

仙境展開 Dreamland Expands

倪祥、陳俊宇NI Xiang, Ohau CHEN|臺灣 Taiwan|2023|實驗 Exp|彩色Color|11 min|無對白 No dialogue


Yang Fuming is an artist living in Dailin Po, Kaohsiung. The place he resides is a village deeply affected by severe industrial pollution due to heavy industrial development in southern Taiwan. He did not settle into a retired life after retirement but began constructing his own "Wonderland". This is an experimental film close to a documentary: its strong visual appearance, extremely close-up shots, and humorous plot are just its surface; we are not creating an imaginary feature film, but rather delving into a documentary spanning 6 to 7 years, a narrative that seeks to understand the local characters and scenes!


【早鳥套票】一套 900 元,可兌換6張電影票券



  • 10.12 (六) 16:00開始起至當日售完為止,限於影展套票首賣日向服務台工作人員購買,並僅限購買「電子票」。


  • 10.13 (日) 12:00起,僅限於OPENTIX線上售票平台兌換,實體售票端點及影展現場無法兌換。

【一般套票】一套 990 元,可兌換 6 張電影票券


  • 10.13 (日) 12:00 起,至 11.13 (三) 23:59 止,於OPENTIX線上售票平台皆可購買。
  • 10.14 (一)~11.06 (三) 於影展辦公室,或11.08 (五)~11.13 (三) 於影展現場服務台購買。


  • 10.13 (日) 12:00起,僅限於OPENTIX線上售票平台兌換,實體售票端點及影展現場無法兌換。




‣‣ 全場次:全票:200 元/張,優待票:100 元/張


・10.13 (日) 12:00 起於OPENTIX線上售票平台。

・10.14 (一)~11.06 (三) 於影展辦公室,或11.08 (五)~11.17 (日) 於影展現場服務台皆可購票。



1. 優待票購買適用高中(含)以下之學生、65 歲以上長者、身心障礙人士與一名必要陪同者(需同時人場)、台灣南方影像學會會員(需同時持有會員證和本人身份證)。

2. 須持相關有效證件,並由本人人場,否則將依規定補收差額。

  • 各場次輪椅席有限,如有需要請預先洽詢南方影展觀眾服務專線:(06)237-0091

  • 注意事項:

    1. 影展期間可於台南新光影城8樓影展服務台售票處購票。

    2. 影展現場服務時間為每日該場地首場開演前 30 分鐘起至末場開演後 30 分鐘止。

    3. 退、換票事宜請於演出前一日辦理,並需酌收票價10%手續費。

    4. 以上票種僅適用2024南方影展期間(2024.11.08~2024.11.17)。








  • 以「信用卡、行動支付、文化幣全額支付」購票:

  • 以「ATM轉帳、現金」購票:



  • 現場退票:10/14-11/06 (國定假日除外) 週一至週五 13:00-18:30至南方影展辦公室(台南市東區勝利路85 號2 樓C 室)辦理,11/08起,一般電影退票請至台南新光影城8樓影展售票處辦理;或至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處辦理。

  • 郵寄退票:請將存摺影本(刷卡購票無須提供)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。退票郵寄前請記下票面之訂單編號,並請妥善保存掛號收據。


  • 如購票時使用文化幣或點數折抵,退票時,系統將退還折抵之全額文化幣,並於扣除退票手續費後,優先退還點數,再將剩餘款項退回。特別提醒,如退票時(含換、補票及因節目異動之退票),抵用之文化幣、點數已逾使用效期,OPENTIX將無法以任何形式進行返還、展延。

  • 【STFF套票退票】套票退票需「整套」辦理,恕不接受「單張/單場」退票。最晚退票時間為11.13 (三) 23:59。如兌換成優惠券時即無法退票。
