主 題|異想世界中的「汪精衛」
報 名|https://www.surveycake.com/s/663eX
時 間|𝟏𝟒:𝟎𝟎-𝟏𝟔:𝟎𝟎(𝟏𝟑:𝟑𝟎入場)
演 員|黃宇琳(《精衛》主演)
地 點|國家圖書館B1多功能展演廳(台北市中正區中山南路20號)
「他既是愛國者又是叛國賊,是革命家也是詩人,是充滿魅力的領袖又是憂鬱的靈魂 。」──中央研究院院士、哈佛大學教授王德威
“He was both patriot and traitor, revolutionary and poet, charismatic leader and melancholic soul .”- David Der-wei Wang, Academician of Academia Sinica and Professor at Harvard University
“I observe a psychological complex in Wang Jing-wei’s poetry. It can be termed the ‘Jing-wei complex,’ similar to what Hu Shi describes as the martyr obsession.” -Ye Jia-ying, Sinologist
“Wang Jing-wei is inherently a poet, yet tragically, he chose the path of a ‘martyr.’ Entangled in power struggles, the decision led to a tragic life. Now I wish to return him to the realm of poetry…….” (excerpt from the preface to Poetry of Shuangzhao Tower) -Yu Ying-shi, historian and fellow of Acadamia Sinica
A Bold Fusion of Chinese Opera and Contemporary Dance
How can Wang Jing-wei’s vibrant poetic works be brought to the stage? The GuoGuang Opera Company, renowned for innovatively blending contemporary themes with traditional Chinese opera, has launched the dance drama “Jing Wei: Feathers Against the Tides” in collaboration with crossover choreographer Lai Hung-chung. Based on Wang Jing-wei’s life- a controversial figure in early modern China - the production explores his hopes and despair, suppressed by prevailing patriotic and mainstream ethical values. Through this new art form and subject matter, this ambitious production aims to reveal Wang’s inner world and his “Jing-wei complex.”
Diving Into Jing-wei’s Soul: Poetry as Memory and Historical Trauma
Wang Jing-wei’s name lingers in the shadowy corners of Chinese history. As Sun Yat-sen’s loyal supporter, Wang was seen as a major threat to Chiang Kai-shek. During Japan’s invasion of China, his pro-peace stance led to accusations of treason. Various attempts have been made to reconstruct Wang’s subjectivity through his posthumous work, Poetry of Shuangzhao Tower. Wang An-chih, GuoGuang Opera Company’s artistic director and playwright, explores Wang Jing-wei’s lyrical works, ingeniously connecting the poet’s persona with the legend of the “Jing Wei bird filling the sea,” seeking to reach a new understanding of Wang Jing-wei beyond his political identity.
A Fusion of Peking Opera, Dance Drama, and Poetry: "Jingwei" as a Lyrical Subject
What sentiments led a young Wang Chao-ming (Jing-wei) to pen the lines "From Carrying stones to the point of obsession, grief spans ten thousand li of waves," incorporating the unwavering spirit of the Jingwei bird from the Classic of Mountains and Seas into his very being? In his love poems to his wife Bingru, he unexpectedly concludes: "Life's transitions follow this path; why hesitate to sacrifice oneself for righteousness?" His revolutionary fervor emerges in verses like "Drawing the sword brings swift resolve, not betraying the aspirations of youth."
When personal choices become indelible in history's tide, only lyrical poetry remains as a testament to genuine emotion. How do we reconcile historical truth with personal memory? "Jingwei" will use Wang Jingwei's collected poetry as a memorial space, blending opera, dance, and verse. Without seeking to defend or forgive, it will fully express the multiple voices of "Jingwei."
Note: This text forms part of a theatrical program note, interweaving historical context with artistic vision while maintaining sensitivity to the complex historical figure of Wang Jingwei.
Visions of Jing Wei: A Jingju Reimagining
In ancient Chinese mythology, the Jingwei bird endlessly carries stones to fill the sea. This tale resonated with a young Wang Zhaoming in the turbulent early 20th century, leading him to adopt "Jingwei" as his pen name—a symbol of his dream to strengthen the nation. Yet like the mythical sea that could never be filled, life's deepest regrets remained unresolved.
GuoGuang Opera Company's production opens with the graceful Jingwei Bird (Huang Yu-lin) who, while carrying stones in flight, hears mysterious laments rising from the surging waters. Through her imagination, we encounter Wang Jingwei (Li Jia-de), exploring the aspirations and inner conflicts that shaped his journey.
The Jingwei bird traverses Wang's poetic and emotional landscape, brought to life through the haunting vocals of Wen Yu-hang. This dreamlike realm liberates Wang from historical judgment, creating a space where imagination touches deeper truths of human experience.
Founded in 1995, GuoGuang Opera Company continuously infuses contemporary consciousness into traditional Jingju Opera. Following the principles of "modernization" and "literary representation," the company has garnered high recognition in cultural circles not only for their traditional Jingju and Kunqu Opera productions but also for their original works. Their achievements include Golden Bell Awards and Taishin Arts Award. The company regularly performs across Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, China, and internationally.
Hung Dance
Founded in 2017 under the artistic direction of choreographer Lai Hung-chung, Hung Dance is a Taiwanese contemporary dance company whose name embodies the concept of "soaring." The company focuses on three core areas: annual productions, international co-productions, and international touring, having presented over 200 performances worldwide. Through its Stray Birds Dance Platform, Hung Dance actively nurtures emerging choreographers and facilitates international collaborations.
監 製|陳悅宜
副 監 製|梁晋誌、賴銘仁
製 作 人|張育華
導 演|戴君芳
編 劇|王安祈
編 舞|賴翃中(翃舞製作)
作 曲、編 曲|鄭伊里
◆2025/1/2(四)中午12:00 ~ 2025/1/16 (四)23:59限定「臺灣戲曲中心付費會員」早鳥購買。
◆2025/1/17 (五)00:00全面啟售,售完為止。
◆ 任選臺灣戲曲藝術節3檔(含)以上節目,享7折優惠。
◆ 凡購買套票即可獲得2025藝術節套票紀念品「戲夢」雙層玻璃杯一份,贈品可於2025/4/1起至臺灣戲曲中心售票處憑兌換券領取,送完為止。
※套票優惠不適用於「魏海敏 X 王嘉明 ⟪ 女王的名字⟫」。
【優惠套票購買連結】: https://www.opentix.life/ticketpackage/1871117798118875136
會員限定早鳥(2025/1/2 12:00~2025/1/16 23:59)
◆國光會員早鳥敬老票「群英」、「雅客」:5折 (限65歲以上長者使用,入場時需出示有效證件)
※早鳥優惠不適用於「魏海敏 X 王嘉明 ⟪ 女王的名字⟫」。
一般優惠( 2025/1/17起 )
◆20張以上另有優惠,請洽國光劇團 (02)8866-9600 分機1687
字幕語言: 中、英文字幕
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