The world's greatest tenor since The Three Tenors, Kaufmann's voice is deep, mellow, tender, and it is complemented by his striking stage presence. His impressive performances are filled with emotion, earning international renown. It is no wonder that the New York Times has called him the most perfect musical talent.
After eight years, the king of tenors returns to Taiwan! This time, Kaufmann is collaborating with well-known conductor Jochen Rieder and the Taipei Symphony Orchestra to interpret classic arias by the greats Puccini, Bizet, and Verdi. From "Recondita armonia" to "Nessun dorma," this promises to be a perfect opera feast for Taiwan's music fans.
時間:2.26 (WED.) 18:30 - 19:10
地點:國家音樂廳大廳 持演出票券入場。
男高音 Tenor|尤納斯.考夫曼 Jonas Kaufmann
指揮 Conductor|約亨.里德 Jochen Rieder
臺北市立交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra
V. Bellini: Overture, from Norma
G. Puccini: "Recondita armonia", from Tosca
G. Verdi: Prelude, from Aida
。威爾第:〈如果我是那位戰士...... 聖潔的阿依達〉,選自歌劇《阿依達》
G. Verdi: "Se quel guerrier io fossi! Celeste Aida", from Aida
G. Bizet/E. Guiraud: Les Toreadors, Intermezzo and Danse Bohème, from Carmen Suite No.1 & 2
G. Bizet: "La fleur que tu m'avais jetée", from Carmen
P. Mascagni: Intermezzo, from Cavalleria Rusticana
P. Mascagni: "Mamma, quel vino è generoso", from Cavalleria Rusticana
-- 中場休息 --
G. Verdi: Overture, from La Forza del Destino
。馬斯內:〈啊!一且都要結束!...... 主啊,法官啊,父親啊!〉,選自歌劇《領袖》
J. Massenet: "Ah! Tout est bien fini!...Ô Souverain, ô juge, ô père", from Le Cid
J. Massenet: Le dernier sommeil de la Vierge, from La Vierge
U. Giordano: Improvviso, from Andrea Chénier
G. Puccini: Intermezzo, from Suor Angelica
G. Puccini: "Nessun dorma", from Turandot
男高音 Tenor|尤納斯.考夫曼 Jonas Kaufmann
「這個世界上最偉大的男高音。」—— 每日電訊報
德國男高音尤納斯.考夫曼,已在全球頂尖歌劇院中詮釋了超過70個角色。《紐約時報》讚揚他「高音清晰嘹亮,歌聲中兼具陽剛與溫柔」,並稱他有著「精妙且優雅的音樂才華」。考夫曼不僅具備出色的聲樂技術,他的演出也因充滿著戲劇張力而廣受好評。法國《Telerama》週刊評論他「全心投入每一個角色,讓觀眾深信這就是他最後一次演出該作品。」作為當代藝術歌曲最卓越的詮釋者之一,考夫曼在音樂會上也非常搶手。他的演出與錄音榮獲多項殊榮,包括11座德國回聲古典音樂大獎,並被多家古典音樂雜誌如《Opernwelt》、《Diapason》和《Musical America》評選為「年度歌手」。他獲頒法國藝術與文學騎士勳章,並被授予德國巴伐利亞州最高榮譽——巴伐利亞科學與藝術勳章。2022年,他被封為奧地利至高榮譽的「宮廷聲樂家」,2024年則榮獲法國榮譽軍團勳章。
Hailed as "the world's greatest tenor" by The Telegraph, Jonas Kaufmann has performed over 70 roles in the world's leading opera houses. The New York Times has described him as having "clarion top notes, the blend of virility and tenderness in his singing," and praised his "refined musicianship." Not only a great vocal technician, his performances are also praised for their dramatic impact, "He embodies each role with such an investment that he makes the viewer think that this is the last time he will perform this work." (Telerama). One of today's greatest interpreters of Lieder repertoire, Kaufmann is also in very high demand in concert. His performances and recording have earned him multiple honors and awards including eleven ECHO/OPUS Klassik awards, "Singer of the Year" from multiple classical music magazines including Opernwelt, Diapason and Musical America. He has been knighted as a Chevalier de l'Ordre de l'Art et des Lettres, and has been named a member of the Bayerischer Maximiliansorden. In 2022 he was appointed Austrian Kammersänger, in 2024 he received the Ordre de la Légion d'honneur.
A voice which excels in a large variety of repertoire, Kaufmann has received recognition for his performance of French, German and Italian roles, as well as his performance in recital. Standout roles include Don José, Werther, Don Carlo, Otello, Andrea Chenier, Maurizio, Lohengrin, Parsifal and Florestan, which he has performed at houses such as Teatro alla Scala, Covent Garden, the Bayerische Staatsoper, the Metropolitan Opera, Opernhaus Zürich, Opéra national de Paris, and the Wiener Staatsoper. He has released multiple recordings, also encompassing diverse repertoire, including operatic repertoire, Lieder, operetta, and more.
指揮 Conductor|約亨.里德 Jochen Rieder
Teatro alla Scala, Carnegie Hall and Frankfurt's Alte Oper - Jochen Rieder is a regular guest in many of the world's leading opera houses and concert halls, collaborating with some of today's most admired soloists and orchestra. An enthusiastic artist widely recognized especially for his work with German and Italian repertoire, Maestro Rieder has lead critically acclaimed performances and CD productions across the world.
Over the years, a long and intense musical partnership has become established with tenor Jonas Kaufmann. Together, they have performed at the Royal Festival Hall in London, the Barbican Centre, the Philharmonie of Berlin, Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Philharmonie of Munich, the Stuttgart Liederhalle, Baden-Baden's Festspielhaus, Vienna's Konzerthaus, the Théâtre des Champs- Elysées in Paris, Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, Seoul Arts Center in South Korea, the Sydney Opera House/Australia, Teatro Real Madrid, Schlossfestspiele Regensburg, the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the Osaka Festival Hall, the Suntory-Hall Tokyo, the Carnegie Hall New York and the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.
臺北市立交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra
臺北市立交響樂團(Taipei Symphony Orchestra TSO)創立於1969年,成軍半世紀以來,歷經成長與蛻變,淬鍊出樂團精實的演奏實力。我們的使命是傳遞、分享臺北市最美的聲音,並透過音樂與世界結緣,讓世界聽見臺北!
Founded in 1969, Taipei Symphony Orchestra has been evolving with great artistry for over half a century. Our mission is to share the beauty of music and to represent the most beautiful sound of Taipei. We use music to create dialogue and bring the sounds of Taiwan to the rest of the world.
TSO has always worked with prominent artists from around the world, including sopranos Angela Gheorghiu, violinist Maxim Vengerov, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, conductor Yuri Khatuevich Temirkanov and composer Tan Dun. Over the years, TSO has been conducted by renowned maestros such as Felix Chiu-Sen Chen, Andras Ligeti and Gilbert Varga, who have led TSO to the pinnacle of musical art. Between 2019 and 2022, TSO performed all of Mahler's symphonies with Maestro Eliahu Inbal serving as Principal Conductor. These performances received critical acclaim. In 2023, Maestro Inbal, one of the best-known conductors in the world for his interpretations of Mahler, Shostakovich and Bruckner's compositions, was invited to takeon the role of Conductor Laureate. Under his guidance, TSO is starting a new chapter.
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禮品兌換時間|2025.2.21 (FRI.) 起至 2025.5.18 (SUN.) 每日 12:00-18:00
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