當敷地理(Osamu Shikichi)在巴黎羅浮宮看到古希臘雙性神安德羅吉諾斯(Androgynous)的形象後,這個聚焦於人類永恆欲求及性別光譜的主題霎時變得清晰。在一個以性而別的世界,《Unisex #01》透過極簡而悠緩的形式,叩問性別身分的界線、存在與認同的根基。
日本|敷地理(Osamu Shikichi)
作品《blomming dots》入選2020年日本當代藝術基金會CAF賞;同年更以《happy ice-cream》獲法國駐日大使館獎。
韓國|李世衡(Sehyoung Lee)
出生於首爾,於巴黎國立高等美術學院(Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris)主修當代藝術,目前定居巴黎。作品側重於世界與他自身之間的圖像化隱喻,同時置疑圍繞他的環境所呈現出來的互補性,透過表演、裝置和聲音等不同媒介,在創作中探索自我與世界之間的關係,將觀眾引入一個反思和對話的空間,展現身分、空間和環境之間難以確定且游離的關聯。
他曾在巴黎美院畢業展覽中呈現作品《(Ici)divague》,結合表演、雕塑和錄音;並於2023年Crush群展中呈現結合表演、裝置和錄音《Double-cross》。他曾作為舞者參與編舞家Boris Charmatz《Happening Tempête》(2021)以及Emmanuelle Huynh和Andrew Tay&Stephen Thompson《Make Banana Cry》(2023)。
聲音設計|李世衡、Rodrigo Sommer
共同策畫|CN D
The dance performance Unisex #01 investigates the topic of sexuality through a reflection on magnetism and the ambiguous body. In an intelligently structured space, choreographer Osamu Shikichi incorporates the human body and an object that both respond to stimuli from the environment and change over time. The attraction of human sexuality is demonstrated through the subtle physical interaction between performers and how their movements and space inform each other, creating a captivating world that radiates unpredictability, ambiguity, and sensuality.
Having studied sculpture and video art before expanding into dance, Shikichi is an emerging artist who has garnered attention in both the contemporary art and performing arts fields. In 2020, his piece happy ice-cream won the French Embassy Prize at the YDC Competition I in Japan. During his three-month residency at the Centre National de Danse in Paris in June 2021, which was part of the award program, Shikichi had the opportunity to work with Lee Sehyoung. It was during this time that he found inspiration in the image of Hermaphrodite at the Louvre. The topic of sexuality became clear during his encounter with the Greek god, as he acquired both male and female sexual characteristics. This work also echoes the episode of Androgynos, the god of both genders, in Plato's The Symposium.
Japan|Osamu Shikichi
Born in Japan, Osamu Shikichi started making performances while doing sculpture and mixed media. Though one cannot view oneself objectively from an external perspective, Shikichi endeavors to grasp the true essence of oneself by observing another individual formed from the closest materials. Shikichi is interested in identifying and blurring the boundaries of the human body in the process. And as the performance shifted more to focus on physical movements and body qualities, he began working more in dance and performing arts fields. Shikichi is currently based in Belgium and Japan and has been awarded the fellowship artist of the POLA Art Foundation 2023-24. He obtained Master's degrees from both P.A.R.T.S. and Tokyo University of the Arts.
Korea|Sehyoung Lee
Born in Seoul, Lee Sehyoung is currently based in Paris, studying contemporary art at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. He creates works in various forms, examining the indeterminate correlation between the world, himself, and the things that confront him. He interprets these examinations through poetry and diagrams, creating a network of becoming that connects performance, space, and audience. He has presented (Ici)divague, a piece that combines performance, sculpture, and sound work, at the graduation exhibition of Beaux-Arts and at the exhibition No no fest in 2021 at Maison Populaire. He also presented Double-cross, a piece of performance, installation, and sound work at CRUSH 2023. As a performer, he has appeared in works by choreographers including Boris Charmatz, Emmanuelle Huynh, and Andrew Tay & Stephen Thompson.
Concept and Choreographer: Osamu Shikichi
Movement Developer: Sehyoung Lee
Performer: Osamu Shikichi, Sehyoung Lee
Sound Engineer: Sehyoung Lee, Rodrigo Sommer
Presenter: Taipei Performing Arts Center
In Partnership with CN D
Supported by CHANEL
2023.9.22 (五) 12:00正式啟售
於臺北表演藝術中心官網註冊或登入,前往「會員專區➠優惠券」頁面,輸入折扣碼「CAMPERS」可兌換2張「Camping Asia」系列節目85折優惠券、1張會費85折優惠券。兌換後可直接前往「OPENTIX」選位購票或於北藝官網購買付費會員方案。
1. 單場單筆訂單 20 張(含)以上 8 折
2. 單場單筆訂單 50 張(含)以上 75 折
3. 單場單筆訂單 100 張(含)以上 7 折
1. 身心障礙人士及其必要陪同者(限1人),享5折(入場時請出示身心障礙手冊)。
2. 年滿65歲以上長者購票5折,入場時請出示有效證件。
Member Pre-sale
Know more about TPAC member: https://lihi2.cc/VXTPV
2023.9.15(Fri.)12:00──9.22(Fri.)12:00 Member pre-sale
· TPAC member──Addict Player: 25% off
· TPAC member──Trooper Player: Single ticket 15% off, 4 or more tickets 20% off, 10 or more tickets 25% off
2023.9.22 (Fri.) 12:00 Official launch of sales
· TPAC Member - Addict Player: 15% off
· TPAC Member - Trooper Player: Single ticket 15% off, 4 or more tickets 25% off, 10 or more tickets 30% off
· TPAC Member -Rookie Player: 10% off
Register for free on the TPAC official website to enjoy ticket purchasing discounts.
Other Discounts
【Campers Early Bird Special】
Register or log in on the Taipei Performing Arts Center official
website, go to "Member Area ➠ Coupons," enter the discount code "CAMPERS" to
redeem two 15% off coupons for camping asia programs and one 15% off membership
fee coupon. After redemption, you can directly proceed to seat selection and
ticket purchase on "OPENTIX" or purchase a paid membership plan on
the B-ARTS website.
Redemption period: From 8/31 to 10/15.
【Cross-industry Benefits】
· Eslite Members: 8% off ticket purchase.
· Cardholders of Taishin Bank, Cathay United Bank, E. Sun Bank, and Taipei Fubon Bank: 8% off ticket purchase.
【Group Ticket Discounts】
· 20 or more tickets in a single order: 20% off.
· 50 or more tickets in a single order: 25% off.
· 100 or more tickets in a single order: 30% off.
【Other Discounts】
· Disabled individuals and their necessary companions (limited to 1 person) enjoy 50% off (please present disability certificate at entry).
· Senior citizens aged 65 and above enjoy 50% off (please present valid identification at entry).
*The organizer reserves the right to change the program and interpret the discounts.
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