
Between Wandering and Seeking -Marcel Mok Piano Recital

類別: 音樂
歐普思音樂藝術 (02)2523-6638






Marcel Mok, a German-Taiwanese pianist with numerous international awards and collaborations with various symphony orchestras, infuses his performances with a deep passion for music and life. This concert features the elegance of Bach and Clementi, the modern colors of Dutilleux's Three Preludes, and the emotional depth of Brahms's Three Intermezzi. It concludes with Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy, offering a poetic journey of self-exploration and showcasing the profound beauty and meaning of music.Marcel Mok, a German-Taiwanese pianist with numerous international awards and collaborations with various symphony orchestras, infuses his performances with a deep passion for music and life. This concert features the elegance of Bach and Clementi, the modern colors of Dutilleux's Three Preludes, and the emotional depth of Brahms's Three Intermezzi. It concludes with Schubert's Wanderer Fantasy, offering a poetic journey of self-exploration and showcasing the profound beauty and meaning of music.




2025.02.15(六)19:30 衛武營國家藝術文化中心 表演廳
2025.02.28(五)19:30 國家兩廳院 演奏廳





巴赫:D小調半音階幻想曲與賦格,作品 903
J. S. Bach: Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in d minor, BWV 903
克萊曼悌:升F小調鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品 25,第 5 號
M. Clementi: Sonata f sharp Minor, Op. 25 No. 5
H. Dutilleux: Trois Préludes
布拉姆斯:三首間奏曲,作品 117
J. Brahms 3 Intermezzi, Op. 117
F. Schubert: Fantasy C major Op. 15 D. 760 “Wandererfantasie”





鋼琴 Piano |莫天豪 Marcel Mok


莫天豪(Marcel Mok) 出生在⼀個德國-台灣結合下的家庭,在他 9 歲時,獲選進入斯圖加特音樂菁英培育項目,曾多年和 Bruno Canino、Roberto Plano、Sir András Schiff 學習。從 2013 年在柏林音樂學院跟隨大師級教授 Klaus Hellwig 專注鋼琴領域的學習,於2023年完成鋼琴演奏博士學位。他曾多次在國內外音樂大賽榮獲金獎(包括德國 WDR 最⾼古典音樂獎、科騰巴赫比賽和慕尼黑國際鋼琴論壇)。2019 年凱澤斯勞滕的 "Ton und Erklärung" 比賽中獲得二等獎,在 2020 年獲得 Maria-Ladenburger Förderpreis。他曾多次参加重要的音樂節,如萊茵高和摩澤爾音樂節、泰根湖青年獨奏家論壇和桑坦德音樂節。他還在各大音樂廳演出,包括斯圖加特的 Liederhalle、慕尼黑 Gasteig 的 Philharmonie、萊比錫的 Gewandhaus、德勒斯登的 Frauenkirche、波昂的 Beethovenhaus 和柏林的 Konzerthaus。作為獨奏家,他曾與斯圖加特愛樂樂團、巴登-符騰堡州交響管弦樂團、阿布鲁兹小交響樂團,以及德國薩爾布吕肯凱澤斯勞騰廣播樂團等合作演出。他特别感謝柏林保羅-亨德米特協會、Cusanuswerk e.V.、德國音樂生活基金會、Jürgen Ponto 基金會,及德國戴姆勒和保時捷汽車集團給予的贊助與支持,也很榮幸為戴姆勒 125 週年慶演奏開幕曲。

In recent years, Marcel Mok has established himself as one of the most promising young pianists in Germany. He started his education in the class for especially talented students in the "Stuttgarter Musikschule" under Romuald Noll. Influenced by his multi-cultural heritage, he has been immersed in various different cultures, which have led him to study further and live in three of the most significant cities for the arts – in Milan with Roberto Plano and Bruno Canino, in Paris at the Conservatoire de Paris with Hortense Cartier-Bresson and most intensively in Berlin at the University of the Arts with Klaus Hellwig. He has been a prize winner at several international competitions, prizes including the Classic Prize of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk, 1st prize at the Bach Competition for Young Pianists in Köthen, and 1st prize at the International Klavierpodium in Munich. Most recently he won the 2nd prize at the 2019 edition of the “Ton und Erklärung” Competition in Kaiserslautern and in 2020 the Maria-Ladenburger Award. Besides his regular participation in such competitions, he has also been invited to be a juror at competitions such as TONALi 2016. ​ As a soloist and collaborative artist, he has appeared at renowned festivals such as the Rheingau Music Festival, the Mosel Music Festival, the Podium for Young Soloists Tegernsee and at the “Musikfest” of the International Bach Academy Stuttgart. Performances and recitals have brought him to some of the finest halls including the Liederhalle Stuttgart, the Philharmonie of the Gasteig Munich, the Frauenkirche Dresden, the Gewandhaus Leipzig, the Konzerthaus Berlin as well as the Beethovenhaus Bonn. ​ Marcel has had the privilege of working with orchestras such as the Stuttgart Philharmonic, the Symphonic Brass Orchestra Baden-Württemberg, the Sinfonica Abruzze Orchestra, as well as the Deutsche Radiophilharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern. He is also a long term scholarship holder of the Paul-Hindemith Society Berlin, Cusanuswerk, Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben and the Jürgen Ponto Foundation.



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◎ 團體票10張以上85折優惠

◎ 學生、歐普思之友購票8折優惠

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